

Sunday, 29 November 2020

Bookreview: Back on Bonaire

 Rediscovering the diver's paradise as a father 

"Amazing book! I want to go to Bonaire !! 
(this is a hint to my husband😜)"


With its protected nearshore reef system, gem-clear seas, and sweeping conservation 
efforts, Bonaire has earned the title it boasts on its license plates: Diver’s Paradise. 
For Andrew Jalbert, who first visited in the early 1990s, there was a draw to the island 
that was hard to shake. He returned regularly over the next twenty-five years in a variety 
of capacities: as a scuba instructor, a sun-starved vacationer, and a writer/photographer. 
What he hadn’t expected at 43 years old, however, was to return as a father.

Back on Bonaire is the story of stitching together two very different lives: one of airports, 
scuba tanks, article assignments and underwater cameras; the other of car seats, 
kindergarten, skinned knees and the boundless curiosity of a child.

Jalbert merges both worlds in an enjoyable, funny and at times touching account 
of introducing his son to his beloved Bonaire. Along the way the reader gets a look 
at the island’s cultural and natural history, some of its people and the importance 
of preserving the ecology of Bonaire – for his son and future generations. 

My Review

Sun, sea, beach and an amazing beautiful diving place. I've never been to 
Bonaire before. But after reading this book, I'm more convinced to go and
I would like to have Andrew Jalbert as a guide. 

The book "Back on Bonaire" is written very well: clearly and with lots of

"Back on Bonaire" is fit for people who like to learn from experiences from
others. I certainly will recommend this book to friends, colleagues and family.
I like to give it a 5 star rating on 5 and even more. 

The Author

Andrew Jalbert is an award-winning photographer, writer, and doting father.
Throughout his twenty-five years as an archaeologist, scuba instructor and dive
guide he has traveled extensively, publishing work on prehistoric sites,
shipwrecks, travel, dive safety, and marine conservation. Jalbert lives in Monona,
Wisconsin with his wife Becky and their son Luc.

Please do check the website of Andrew Jalbert on this link


I received an advance review copy for free. Thank you very much to BookSirens
for this splendid opportunity. I'm leaving this review voluntarily. 

Source picture: Book Cover

Saturday, 28 November 2020

Bookreview: Pit of Vipers

 Amazing series!


In Pit of Vipers, the second book in the Sons of Kings trilogy, the lives of
Alfred of Wessex and Eadwulf of Mercia continue to unfold against the ever
increasing threat of Danish raids.

Now back in his homeland, Eadwulf sets out on his determined quest for revenge,
whilst Alfred’s leadership skills develop at the courts of his successive brothers.
Before long, those skills will be put to the test . . .

The Danish invasion of the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms in 865 is merciless and relentless.
Every year more Norse ships come to join their comrades in a quest to plunder for
wealth and gain domination over the people.

The Wessex king is now Aethelred, Alfred’s last surviving brother, and Alfred becomes
his trusted second-in-command. Whilst the Danes take kingdom after kingdom,
the brothers wait with baited breath for them to set their sights on Wessex.

By 869 their worst fear is realised.

In the meantime, Eadwulf pursues the objects of his revenge.

My Review

First of all, I really liked the more mysterious book cover.

Secondly the books of Millie Thom always start with a clear description of
the characters and a map of the Anglo Saxon Kingdom, which always are 
very easy to follow. 

"The Pit of Vipers" is very nicely written and with a good mix of dialogues
and storytelling.  It made one thing very clear: Millie Thom knows a lot
of this period! I think it wasn't an easy time to live in.

"The Pit of Vipers" really is a page turner. I wanted to know the end of this
story 👀.

Last but no least, I will recommend this fantastic book and series for all
readers who like (royal) historical fiction! With pleasure, I give 
Pit of Vipers a 5 star rating on 5. 

The Author

Millie Thom is a former geography and history teacher with a degree in
geology and a particular passion for the Anglo Saxon and Viking era.
She was born in Southport, Lancashire, in 1947, and happily admits
to being a 'boomer'.

After completing a teacher training course in Liverpool in 1968, she moved
to Yorkshire to take up her first teaching post. This was at a secondary
school in a small mining village, where most of the children -
and more than a few of the staff - spoke in a dialect riddled with 'thees',
'thous', 'hast thas' and wilt thas'. She also met her husband to be at this time,
a teacher at a rival school - the rivalry always being in the not-so-gentle sport of

In 1970 Millie and her husband moved down to Wantage for six years.
Wantage is known a King Alfred's town, since it is the place where he was born.
In 1976 she moved up to Nottinghamshire, and still lives there with her husband,
midway between Lincoln and Newark. Their six grown up children all live close by.

Since retiring from teaching, Millie has been writing the trilogy about King Alfred
that has been screaming to be born for so many years. Book 1, 'Shadow of the Raven'
is already published on Amazon, and Book 2, 'Pit of Vipers' is presently nearing

I think Millie Thom was a fantastic teacher. I would like to have had (royal)
history lessons from her! Luckily I can read these amazing series! 


I had the chance to read this splendid book for free via BookTasters. So thank you
very much!!! I hope to read more books from this excellent author! 

Source picture: Book Cover

Monday, 23 November 2020

Recensie: Het geheim van Silicon Valley

geschreven door Wibe Wagemans & Eva Schram

"Een uiterst interessant boek met veel tips over management."


Silicon Valley is veel meer dan de thuislocatie van de machtigste
bedrijven ter wereld. Het is een bruisende plek waar de constante
drang naar innovatie alles bepaalt, groots denken de norm is en 
startups uitgroeien tot miljardenimperiums. Wat is hier gaande?
Wat kun jij leren van de ondernemers uit de Valley?

Mijn recensie

De veelbelovende titel "Het Geheim van Silicon Valley", het 
voorwoord van Constantijn van Oranje én de mooie 
recensies deden me beslissen om het boek te kopen.

Ik vond het wel een beetje grappig dat twee auteurs die schreven
over innovatie nog een 'echt' boek hadden gemaakt ipv een 

Toch toonde "Het Geheim van Silicon Valley" me nieuwe 
inzichten en leerde het me termen waar ik nog nooit van had gehoord
zoals bv het pay it forward principe en veel meer. 

Ik bleef echter een klein beetje op m'n honger zitten omdat 
het vooral vanuit Nederlands standpunt werd geschreven. Ik had het
boek misschien nog iets internationaler verwacht zeker omdat 
Eva Schram ook voor werkt.

Twijfel echter niet om het boek "Het Geheim van Silicon Valley"
te kopen. Ik zal het nog vaak vastnemen. 

Daarom geef ik dan ook graag een 4 sterren beoordeling op 5. 

De auteurs

Het boek werd door twee auteurs geschreven.

Wibe Wagemans is een pionier, serial entrepreneur en CEO in de Valley. 
Als eerste bouwde hij een AI-bot en een online videogame op mobiel.
Hij werkte bij Angry Birds, Big Fish, Huuuge en vele andere. Hij kreeg
de Cannes Golden Lion-award, het wereldrecord nummer 1- hits in de 
App Store en talloze exits. Wibe runde eveneens een business van 1 
miljard euro bij Nokia. Hij was expat en student in zes landen. 

Eva Schram is een Nederlandse journalist die woont in de San Francisco 
Bay Area en werkt als VS-correspondent voor onder andere het
Financieele Dagblad en het Vlaamse Haar focus ligt op de grote 
techbedrijven en diversiteit in Silicon Valley. Voorheen was Eva 
hoofdredacteur van Saragossa en onderzoeksjournalist bij OneWorld.

Te verkrijgen

Het boek (geen E-book 😉)  is te verkrijgen in het Nederlands bij en
verscheen in november 2020. Het werd gepubliceerd bij Bot Uitgevers. 

Foto: Titelpagina van het boek

Sunday, 22 November 2020

Bookreview: The Heretics' Revenge

The Heretics' Revenge

A final search for the Holy Grail

written by Martin Barrett

"A Nice story with exciting jumps in time"

Condemned as heretics by the Catholic Church, the 13th-century Cathars are persecuted, 
tortured, and finally burned alive at Montségur. But according to legend they hide their 
riches  and relic beyond the castle walls on the eve of their demise.

In the 1930s, Otto Rahn dedicates his life to recovering the long forgotten relic, 
and coerced by Himmler joins the SS to find the ‘Holy Grail’ for the Nazis. Exposed 
as both Jewish and homosexual, Rahn commits suicide. But not before he entrusts his 
notes to his niece. Notes that have never been found.

Seeking a challenge after retiring early, businessman Steve Jackson embarks on a 
modern-day search for the fabled Cathar cache. With French girlfriend, 
Manon Lubin, they locate Rahn’s abandoned clues in the Black Forest. 
The notes become a key to locating a religious discovery even greater than the 
Dead Sea Scrolls, and unleash a 750-year old time-capsule of revenge that threatens 
to shake the Church of Rome to its foundations.

The massacre of the Cathars and the true story of Otto Rahn are interweaved and then 
continued with the fictional search for the treasure and relic. Rich in historical detail, 
this fascinating and absorbing story, set in France and London, climaxes with a 
thought-provoking and controversial conclusion that brings The Heretics’ Revenge.

My review

History and especially royal history always had fascinated me a lot. That's why I 
decided to read the book "The Heretics' Revenge" written by Martin Barrett.

It is a very interesting story with a good mix of history and fiction, which I like.
I immediately was into the story due to the strong characters.

Some chapters made a jump forwards in time and this was mentioned well except
with the present time. So, It was a bit confused, but due to the new characters, I
realized soon, the story was in another time, the present.

I enjoyed reading the book "The Heretics' Revenge" because the way of living of
the characters was described very well.

Although the plot "looking for the Holy Grail" isn't that original, the way Martin
Barrett told the story - in a novel - transformed it into a real treasure. 

I certainly will recommend this book to others who are interested in historical
So, I give this book a 4 star on 5 rating. 


I received an advance review copy for free by BookSirens and I am
leaving this review voluntarily. 

Source picture: Book cover

Friday, 20 November 2020

Bookreview: A Practical Home Guide For Nutritional Healing

A Practical Homeguide For Nutritional Healing 

"A positive signal to natural foods to improve or maintain your health"

written by Jasmin Walters

When someone is feeling sick, the conventional inclination is to turn to medication,
and, certainly, this often works. Nutritional healing, however, is the science of turning
to foods, natural supplements, and herbs to treat or even cure health problems.
Want to find out about how you can use Nutritional Healing
and alternative medicines in your everyday life?

This book shows you EXACTLY what you need to know and 

guide you every step of the way!

Do you want to know how and why natural nutritional healing works?

Then you NEED this book. Buy now and start reading today!

Want to know more about the importance of hydration?

Everything you NEED to know is included in these pages!

Would you like more assistance in Weight Loss and Eating Well?

Then you NEED this book. Buy now and start reading today!

Would you like to know how to Slow Down the Aging Process?

Then you NEED this book. Buy now and start reading today!

Do you want to learn how to control your blood sugar levels?

Everything you NEED to know is included in these pages!

Do you want to learn the best Recipes for a natural healthy lifestyle?  

Then you NEED this book. Buy now and start reading today!

My Review

Health is the most important gift that human people have. So, it is
always nice to read more how to improve or maintain a good health.
One of the key roles is kept for food and that's why I chose to read:
"A Practical Home Guide For Nutritional Healing".

"A Practical Home Guide For Nutritional Healing " is written very clear
in short, practical chapters. It also read easily. 

The book gives an idea how to take care of your health, though it was a
bit too short. I definitely want to read more!!!! I will recommend this
to friends, colleagues and others. So, I give this book a 4 star rating on

The Author

Jasmin Walters, an inspiring lady with a PhD in Medical Nutrition & Therapy,
based in the USA. Jasmin leads in her field with nutritional health,
dietary advice, natural remedies, healing techniques and alternative medicines.
Jasmin's ability to advocate in natural health, therapies, remedies, dietary
balances and healing has been producing for more than two decades.
Jasmin has spent more than twenty years researching natural approaches
to health, healthy living and healing. Jasmin shares her knowledge,
experiences & research to the rest of the world by guiding people how to live
healthier lifestyles.

Jasmin in her journeys has also been an enthusiast of delicious
food with home made receipes. Some of Jasmin's favourite styles are
Plant Based Vegan, Mediterranean, Paleo and many more.
Jasmin's love for cooking healthy also stemmed from her childhood,
her mom whom she is so thankful to.

Jasmin's inspiration for writing came from her experiences from
childhood and developed a keen interest from her father's study
of Nutrition in Humans.


I received an advance review copy for free, by BookSirens, and
I'm leaving this review voluntarily. So thank you very much. 

Source picture: book covers

Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Recensie: Happy Life 365

 Wat een positief boek!

Happy Life 365

geschreven door Kelly Weekers


In Happy Life 365 laat Kelly Weekers op basis van simpele stappen zien hoe bepalend 
je denkwijze  is voor je dagelijkse geluksgevoel. Aan de hand van thema's als 
zelfvertrouwen, gezondheid, vriendschap, werk, social media en relaties leer je 
op een simpele en effectieve manier anders om te 
gaan met negativiteit, stress en piekeren. Kelly vertelt nuchter en met humor 
hoe je zelf geluk creëert. Boordevol praktische opdrachten, voorbeelden, 
simpele stappenplannen, tips, tricks en quotes 
voor 365 dagen geluk

Mijn recensie

Er zijn niet veel boeken, die me zoveel dingen laten noteren
als "Happy Life 365".  De auteur gaf me heel wat tips en tricks om 
te gebruiken, zelfs dagelijks. Daarom is het
een boek om vaak vast te nemen en te herlezen. 

Ik heb dan ook nieuwe inzichten gekregen
zoals op een andere manier naar de dingen kijken of 
minder verwachtingen hebben, want
ik denk dat de meesten de lat super hoog leggen.

De eenvoudige, toegankelijke én bovenal positieve schrijfstijl 
maken "Happy Life 365" 
erg bijzonder. 

Tot slotte raad ik het boek "Happy Life 365" met veel plezier 
aan bij vrienden, collega's en kennissen. 

Als iedereen probeert de tips en tricks van Kelly Weekers te hanteren 
wordt het leven zo veel mooier. 

Ik geef dan ook graag een beoordeling van 5 sterren op 5. 

De schrijfster

Drs. Kelly Weekers is life & business coach. Ze is veelgevraagd spreker. 
Binnen haar eigen onderneming coachte zij duizenden 
mensen naar een succesvoller en gelukkiger leven. Daarnaast is ze bestsellerauteur 
en ondernemers coach met haar eerste boek Happy Life 365.


Happy Life 365 las ik via Kobo plus van

Bron foto: Titelpagina  

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Bookreview: Glory Bishop

Bookreview: Glory Bishop

written by Deborah L.King


Glory Bishop lives her life in pieces. At work and with her friends, she reads novels, speaks her mind, and enjoys slow dances and stolen kisses with her boyfriend, JT. But at home, Glory follows strict rules and second-guesses every step. Though she dreams of going to college and living like a normal teenage girl, her abusive mother has other ideas.

When JT leaves to join the navy, Glory is left alone and heartsick. The preacher’s son, Malcolm Porter, begins to shower her with lavish gifts, and her mother pushes Glory to accept his advances. Glory is torn between waiting for true love with JT or giving in to the overzealous Malcolm.

When a stranger attacks Glory on the street, Malcolm steps in to rescue her, and her interest in him deepens. But the closer she gets to him, the more controlling he becomes. Glory must eventually decide whether to rely on others or to be her own saviour.

My Review

What an amazing book! I really enjoyed reading it! I was a bit scared due to the Bible phrases at the beginning of the book, but when I started reading, I learned that 'Glory Bishop' had fantastic strong characters. 'Glory Bishop' is well drawn and has an excellent dialogue. 

I certainly would recommend 'Glory Bishop' for all who like to read novels and stories about a young woman, who grows up. Therefore I give this book a 5 stars on 5 rating. 

The author

Deborah King has been a writer and storyteller her whole life. She published her first short story when she was seven years old. When she’s not writing, Deborah enjoys cartoons, cooking, photography, and Star Trek. Born and raised in Chicago, Deborah has managed to achieve all of her childhood dreams and still lives in the area with her husband and two youngest children. According to her daughter, she has “literally aced her life!”

I really enjoyed Glory Bishop written by Deborah King. It was the first book of this splendid author, I read and I hope there will follow more amazing books of her. 


I received an advanced copy for free, by BookSirens, and I'm leaving this review voluntarily. 

Source picture: Book cover 

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Bookreview: How To Live The Dream

How To Live The Dream 

Things every van lifer needs to know 

written by Kristine Hudson 


Are you bored with living in the city, going to work, and never seeing anything outside of your house or office?  Do you feel like the walls are closing in on you?  Do you finally want to say “goodbye” to the city streets and “hello” to the open road?

Everywhere on social media, you see breath-taking pictures of people who have launched themselves into van living with complete success.  They seem to live the ultimate lives of freedom, rebellion, and careless, peaceful existence.  Are you ready to join them?

Van Life is a lifestyle associated with freedom.  With four wheels on the road at all times, you can go anywhere and do anything.  No more stuffy conference rooms.  No more waiting.  And in many cases, no idea what to do next!

In her debut publication, Kristine Hudson guides her audience from the wishful thinking stages, through the various levels of preparation required to put the key in the ignition and leave your “stationary home” behind.

Here are just a few of the things that “Every Van Lifer Needs to Know:”

•Whether van life is right for you- a look into balancing the reality with the dream

•Creating an environment of health and wellness no matter where you go

•How to choose your new home… and how to make it your new haven on wheels

•What you’ll need to prepare for life on the road

•How to plan your new lifestyle and secrets to transitioning to road life

•Storage solutions to maximize your space

•Planning a budget ...and much, much more!

Take a second to imagine how badly you want to hit the road… then think of how ready you feel!  No matter how deeply you wish to delve into the #vanlife lifestyle, author Kristine Hudson has tips that will help you become more prepared and confident about your plans.  If you’re ready to leave behind all of the noise, clutter, and frustrations of the stationary lifestyle and explore the country from a van, skoolie, or RV, click to add How to Live the Dream: Things Every Van Lifer Needs to Know to your cart now!

My Review

When I saw this book on the BookSirens website, I immediately wanted to read the book due to the
subject. However perhaps, I expected too much from "How To Live The Dream", so it hasn't brought me what I expected. 

However the book was written very clear and in short chapters, which I really like! I learned more about the nomadic lifestyle in the 21st. century. 

The author and the book inspired me because it was clearly stated that dreams should not be followed just like that. Dreams do have a cost and everything has to be planned extremely well! 

"How To Live The Dream" is special because due to the clearly defined chapters. It also has beautiful pictures and an amazing cover. I certainly would recommend "How To Live The Dream - Things Every Van Lifer Needs To know". That's why I give this book a 4 star on 5 rating. 

The author

For Kristine Hudson and her husband Brad, the adventure never ends! If you enjoyed reading Ms. Hudson’s insights on preparing for a life on the road in “How to Live the Dream: Things Every Van Lifer Needs to Know,” you’ll love catching up with her on her new Facebook page.

For ladies who are curious about the daily ins and outs of being a Boss Lady after reading “How to Choose the Ultimate Side-Hustle: Making Money and Being Your Own Boss,” Ms. Hudson shares her regular experiences with keeping herself organized while maintaining her writing and editing career.

It may seem that waking up every day in a new place and having a successful, satisfying career may be mutually exclusive. “Like” and “Follow” Kristine Hudson on Facebook to see her in action… and to catch a glimpse of her sometimes hectic, but always compelling, life on the road!

Kristine Hudson’s Van Life:


I received an advanced copy for free thanks to BookSirens. I'm leaving this review voluntarily. 

Source picture: Book Cover 

Monday, 9 November 2020

Recensie: Nooit Meer De Oude

geschreven door Mieke Lannoey

Burn-out als uitnodiging voor een nieuwe manier van leven en werken. 


Nooit meer de oude van Mieke Lannoey is een boek over het leven na een burn-out. Een burn-out hakt je leven in een ‘voor’ en een ‘na’. Waar velen het herstel van burn-out als het eindpunt beschouwen, is het in werkelijkheid slechts het begin. De nieuwe manier van leven en werken begint met te aanvaarden dat je nooit meer de oude wordt.

Hoe komt het daarnaast dat, ondanks alle preventieve maatregelen, het aantal burn-outs blijft stijgen en zich als een ware epidemie verder verspreidt? Zou het kunnen dat onze maatschappij de uitnodiging van burn-out (nog) niet heeft begrepen? Dat we nog steeds niet snappen dat we niet aan symptoombestrijding moeten doen, maar vanuit de kern wezenlijk moeten veranderen?

In dit boek, het vervolg op Burn-out, het begin van verandering, deelt Mieke Lannoey zowel haar persoonlijke zoektocht als haar inspirerende visie op wat wil ontstaan. Ze gelooft dat de post-burn-out generatie aan de basis ligt van een nieuwe maatschappij.

Mijn review

Via Kobo Plus van las ik al eerdere boeken van Mieke Lannoey. Vooral omdat het onderwerp - burn-out en psychologisch welzijn me enorm interesseert. Momenteel ben ik ook via NHA een curus Bedrijfspychologie aan het volgen. Daarom wou ik het boek 'Nooit Meer De Oude - Burn-Out als uitnodiging voor een nieuwe manier van leven en werken'  absoluut lezen. 

Mieke Lannoey heeft zoals in al haar andere boeken een heel vlotte en heldere schrijfstijl. De hoofdstukken zijn niet te groot en lezen dus vloeiend. De schrijfster geeft ook mooie, rake voorbeelden. Ze is en blijft ook steevast heel positief wat er ook gebeurt. Een klein minpuntje: er worden iets té veel dingen herhaald of te diep uitgespit. Daarom geef ik het boek
'Nooit Meer De Oude' , 4 sterren op 5.

Aarzel echter niet om het boek te kopen, als je geïnteresseerd bent in psychologie, burn-outs, de verwerking van burn-outs, spiritualiteit, ... kortom het leven. 

Over de schrijver

Mieke Lanoey was een bevlogen hulpverlener in de geestelijke gezondheidszorg. Een sector waar ze zou werken 'tot ze erbij neer zou vallen'. Dat gebeurde, alleen veel vroeger dan ze had gedacht, en niet op een door haar gewenst moment maar door een burn-out. Het dwong haar tot stistand, aanvaarding, loslaten en een bewuste manier van kijken naar het leven. Bovenal duwde de burn-out haar richting het leven van haar dromen. Op vind je alle boeken van Mieke Lannoey, waaronder het nieuwste boek van Mieke Lannoey.

Foto: Boek 

Sunday, 8 November 2020

Bookreview: Shadow Of The Raven

 written by Millie Thom


By the mid ninth century, Danish raids on Anglo-Saxon kingdoms have escalated. Several bands even dare to overwinter on the coastal islands, particularly those at the mouth of the Thames, where the kingdoms of Wessex and Mercia border each other. The kings of these lands must put past hostilities aside and take the first steps towards unity; steps they see as vital in the face of this newfound threat to their lands.

Alfred of Wessex and Eadwulf of Mercia are the sons of kings, whose futures have been determined since birth. But the turbulent events in their childhood years change the natural progression of things and shape the characters of the men they will become. Their roads to manhood follow vastly different routes, but both learn crucial lessons along the way: lessons that will serve them well in future years.

Discovering that the enemy is not always a stranger is a harsh lesson indeed; the realisation that a trusted kinsman can turn traitor is the harshest lesson of all.


I 'met' Millie Thom via Twitter and via BookTasters. Immediately the
book series about the Anglo Saxon Royal History attracted me. 

While reading books, I always put some key words on paper,
in case I forget, what I want to write down. These are my key words to 
describe this wonderful book:

* Beautiful cover : The cover is very attractive with amazing pictures and colors. 

* Large list of characters : The characters were very well  and clearly defined. 

* fascinating : It was so fascinating to read this book and especially about the 
society during the Anglo Saxo time

* good story teller : Millie Thom is a fantastic author. She can tell a story and 
make it her own. 

* A page turner : I wanted to know what was going to happen. 

* very emotional : I immediately empathized with the characters (mostly 
with the women) 

* Great historical royal family drama

So, if you like to read about historical royal family drama, don't hesitate to buy
this amazing book. I give it a 5 star on 5 rating. It's sad that I can't give even
more stars.

The Author

Millie Thom is a former geography and history teacher with a degree in geology and a particular passion for the Anglo Saxon and Viking era. She was born in Southport, Lancashire, in 1947, and happily admits to being a 'boomer'.

After completing a teacher training course in Liverpool in 1968, she moved to Yorkshire to take up her first teaching post. This was at a secondary school in a small mining village, where most of the children - and more than a few of the staff - spoke in a dialect riddled with 'thees', 'thous', 'hast thas' and wilt thas'. She also met her husband to be at this time, a teacher at a rival school - the rivalry always being in the not-so-gentle sport of rugby!

In 1970 Millie and her husband moved down to Wantage for six years. Wantage is known a King Alfred's town, since it is the place where he was born. In 1976 she moved up to Nottinghamshire, and still lives there with her husband, midway between Lincoln and Newark. Their six grown up children all live close by.

Since retiring from teaching, Millie has been writing the trilogy about King Alfred that has been screaming to be born for so many years. Book 1, 'Shadow of the Raven' is already published on Amazon, and Book 2, 'Pit of Vipers' is presently nearing completion.

I 'met' Millie Thom - as I mentioned before - on Twitter. She really is a very nice and interesting lady, who knows lots about history. She also is very interactive with other authors and reviewers. 


I received an advanced copy for free by Booktasters and by the author @MillieThom.
I'm leaving this review voluntarily and I really enjoyed reading this splendid book. So,
thank you very much for this fantastic chance. 

Source picture: Book Cover

Monday, 2 November 2020

Recensie: God Save The Queen

geschreven door Hieke Jippes Liddie Austin 


Al meer dan vijfenzestig jaar zit Queen Elizabeth op de Britse troon en inmiddels
is ze het langstzittende staatshoofd ter wereld. Ze heeft naast het Verenigd Koninkrijk
ook de vijftien Commonwealth realms onder haar hoede en is hoofd van de
Church of England. 

Geliefd door het Britse volk en onverwoestbaar in haar functie.
Ze stond te midden van grote historische gebeurtenissen en maatschappelijke
ontwikkelingen en werkte met grote namen uit de geschiedenis, zoals
Winston Churchill en John F. Kennedy. Van de ene op de andere dag werd ze
troonopvolger en rustte er druk vanuit de hele wereld op haar schouders.
Queen Elizabeth heeft voor grote beslissingen gestaan en moest kiezen tussen
landsbelang en familie, tussen God en staat. Ze heeft de wereld en haar land
zien veranderen toen de dekolonisatie van het Britse rijk een onomkeerbaar feit
was. Queen Elizabeth is trouw aan de troon en aan de kerk. Haar plichtsbesef is
typerend, maar verder weten we eigenlijk weinig van haar. Ze is even bekend als
ondoorgrondelijk. Het koningshuis geeft niets weg van wat er zich binnen de
muren van het paleis afspeelt, terwijl de tabloids elke dag wel koninklijk nieuws
brengen. Tien vrouwen delen hun visie op de onverwoestbare Queen Elizabeth.
Ze brengen in kaart wat ze ons leert over de recente Europese en wereldgeschiedenis,
wat haar zo indrukwekkend maakt en in hoeverre ze een rolmodel voor ons is.

Met bijdragen van: Liddie Austin, Brigitte Balfoort, Reinildis van Ditzhuyzen,
Wies Enthoven, Dorine Hermans, Vanessa Lamsvelt, Nienke van Leverink


Toen de Vlaamse krant 'Het Nieuwsblad' een nieuw boek voorstelde over
Koningin Elisabeth II van Groot Brittannië twijfelde ik geen moment. Ik wou
het onmiddellijk lezen. Ik was dus heel verrast dat het eBook - uitgebracht in 
oktober 2020 - al via Koboplus beschikbaar was. 

Het boek 'God Save The Queen' las ik in één ruk uit omdat de schrijfstijl vlot
en aangenaam is. Het lijkt een beetje op een goede roman. 

Er worden een pak uiteenlopende onderwerpen aangesneden, maar verwacht
geen nieuwe spectaculaire dingen. Ik vond 'God Save The Queen' zeker geen
slecht boek, maar ook niet geweldig. 

Omwille van alle bovenstaande argumenten, geef ik het boek 'God Save The
Queen' drie sterren op vijf. 


De co-auteurs: 
Liddie Austin, Brigitte Balfoort, Reinildis van Ditzhuyzen, Wies Enthoven,
Dorine Hermans, Vanessa Lamsvelt, Nienke van Leverink
zijn voor mij bekender als de auteurs zelf. 

Foto: Titelpagina