Saturday, 23 November 2024

Mary: Intimate Witness to God's Love Incarnate

 A special book

My review

On a grey and cold weekend I read the fictional work
 'Mary: Intimate Witness to God's Love Incarnate' written by Louis McCall.

Although it wasn't a book I normally should chose and read, I enjoyed 

McCall's work is a thoughtful and inspiring tribute to Mary, offering a
fresh perspective on her role in the Christian narrative. It will resonate
with those seeking to deepen their understanding of Mary’s life and her
intimate relationship with God’s incarnate love.

For those who are interested in fiction books and in this topic, I would
recommend this book.

Due to the fantastic writing, I give a 5 star rating.


As always I want to thank Booktasters and the author as well for providing
me a free copy in return for my honest review, which I did.

I want to thank them for their patience and especially Booktasters for their

Saturday, 16 November 2024

Booktasters: the perfect community for readers and reviewers!

Do you like reading and reviewing? Don't hesitate and check the Booktasters
community on this link

Booktasters is the perfect way to review books for free! 

How does Booktasters work?

1/ You like reading

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4/ You can chose a book via X @BookTasters 

Me reading and reviewing

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It's a benefit for all!

The award certificate of Booktasters

ps.: I love to participate with Booktasters because they're very supportive,
patiently, friendly and above all very correct!