Wednesday, 31 March 2021

Bookreview: Trekker Girl - Morocco Bound

"What a very nice memoir!"


Blood clot survivor, Dawne Archer (aka Trekker Girl) tells her story of 
family trauma, friendship rekindled and what seemed like 'a good idea 
at the time'. Was trekking the Sahara Desert a step too far in her efforts
to fundraise for Thrombosis UK?

"I suffer from Survivor Gilt, why did my Dad die from his blood clot
while I lived through mine? At the age of 26 I experienced two clots;
one in my leg and another in my lung.  People tell me "You're lucky
to be alive!" And they are right.

Having made it to my 50s, I now live a fuller and more active life than
ever before, although most people would say that trekking in the
Sahara Desert to raise money for charity was perhaps a step too far.

After being contacted by a friend I last saw 35 years before, I rashely
signed up for this trek which pushed me way beyond my normal limits
of endurance.

Join me on my journey through the trials and tribulation of this 
adventure. Laugh and cry with me. This is my story."

With blood clots, knowing what to look for might save your live or that
of someone close to you. Trombosis UK works hard to educate both the 
public and the health professionals to 'Spot the Clot'.

All profits from sales of this book will be donated to Thrombosis UK. 

My Review

First of all: I must admit - I'm a fan of deserts too, so the book cover really
attracted me. The walking part is something else. 

I liked the way the author talked about her life, her illness
and her amazing travel plan. She's very positive! 

She wrote honestly and the book read easily as I wanted to continue

She described her travels detailled. It was chronological and
good structured. And I also did like the photographs and the comments
as well!

I'm really certain now. When we can travel again: Morocco is on
the wish list!

I would recommend Trekker Girl - Morocco Bound  to anyone who
loves fair travel memoirs. I like to give with lots of pleasure and support a
5* rating. 

The Author

I was pleasantly surprised that the author organises a fundraising for
Thrombosis UK. Fundraising on this link.

I would love to read more about your other adventures.  

We love memoirs

I received a free copy via the We love memoirs group, the friendliest group
on Facebook. 

Thursday, 25 March 2021

Bookreview: The Heir and the Enchantress


What a great love story! 


Hazel Trethow is infatuated with a notorious rake despite her father's plan
to betroth her to the heir of wealthy barony. Her scheming to find a love
match for her dearest friend and herself turns into a scandal that could
ruin them both.

Harold Hobbs returns home from business in India with a plan to save his
family from ruin. He does not anticipate his father's plot to wed him to Miss

My review

What a great love story! 

The Heir and the Enchantress really is a wonderful book. I enjoyed the story
and the characters as well. It also has a nice cover! 

It was written very good, clear and it read fluently. I liked the way the author
worked out the plot and the characters. 

It was a lovely, laid back reading which I like a lot. I recommend this amazing
book to all who enjoy reading historical love stories. I give this with lot of 
pleasure a 5 * rating. 

The author

Celebrated for her complex characters, realistic conflicts and sensual love
scenes, Paullett Golden puts a spin on historical romance. Her novels, set
primarily in Georgian and Regency England with some dabbling in 
Ireland, Scotland and France. Her stories show love overcoming adversity.
Whatever our self-doubts, love will out. 


I received a free copy via Booktasters and the author. Thank you very much!

Wednesday, 24 March 2021

Author in the Picture: Darlene Corbett

A while ago, I got the chance to read and review a book via Booktasters. It was
Stop Depriving the World of You - A Guide for Getting Unstuck, written by
Darlene Corbett. You can re-read my review on this link

I was very fascinated by her book and her unstuck theory that I wanted to ask her
for the author in the picture post. 

So, here are the questions and answers for and by Darlene Corbett. 

Questions and answers

How did you start writing? Did you for ex. study something special?

I fell in love with writing in my fifties. I took no courses, but I constantly hone
my writing skills. I have developed a style of writing that is conversational.

My first article was published in 2011 when the Massachusetts’
National Association of Social Workers invited me to write about hypnosis
for their monthly publication. I was scared to death. My initial fear is that
it would be rejected. Fortunately, it was not. A friend who did not know I was
writing it, let me know had read it and thought it was good.

Next I wrote for an online forum that focused on aging. The editor liked my
articles. Some of the audience did not like my message of having more choices
as we age, but that is a different story. My confidence continued to grow,
and I began writing articles on LinkedIn. I wrote a few when Huffington Post
gave a platform for those who wished to publish on their website. Unless,
your article was elevated, you could not locate the author.

 Eventually, through a newsletter, they found their way in front of an
administrator of a small publishing company who introduced me to the
publisher, and my book was published several months later. Along the way,
I began to write articles for Sixty and Me and a few on Thrive Global. Finally,
BizCatalyst360 reached out to me  and invited me to write for them.
Within a short period of time, I went from Columnist to Featured Contributor
for their online media platform.

Can you tell me more about your writings?

Most of my writing is around subjects of personal development since
I am a therapist. The beauty of my professional identity is that it crosses over
many issues in life. I have also begun to take a stab at writing some fiction around a
historical figure. It has been much fun to try to get into their heads and develop a
short story around them.

Do you prefer to write/work alone?

I write alone. I would not be opposed to write with a group, but time
for me is the essence.

Do you have a special daily routine?

No, I fit in writing when I have time or make time if I want to finish an article.

What is your biggest inspiration?

I do not know. I believe in God and feels he inspires me.
An idea will suddenly pop into my head. It could be around a person,
event, or something I forgot about and try to resurrect. I am blessed that so far
I have not experienced writer’s block.

How did you start with the unstuck theory?

I worked with a strategy coach on how to hone my very broad message of
positivity. She suggested this, and being someone who helps to get people
unstuck for a living, it resonated with me.

You do a lot of professional things. Can you explain more and which
one do you like the most or don’t you have any preferences?

I love all of my professional experiences. As I get older, I would like to cut
back on my therapy practice and increase my speaking and writing endeavors.
I will always be a therapist which is my foundation for everything else.

Do you like sport or do you do other important things for your health?

I exercise at least three to four times a week. The treadmill  has been my main
source, but as I get older, I have added other forms of exercise such
TRX for my upper body.

How did you spend your time during the Corona time?

I have been very blessed to be able to make a living with the help of platforms
that bring virtual therapy to the world. My clients are fine with it. I prefer to see
people versus teletherapy. I had been planning to close my practice in eastern
Massachusetts, and fortunately, virtual therapy has helped me usher into this next
chapter. Again, I am blessed that I have these tools. Other than going out far less,
my life has not changed except for not having an arduous commute.

Do you like to learn new things?

I remain a lifelong learner and will continue to be so all the days of my life.
Like many writers, I am a voracious reader. Before the internet, I used to keep
a dictionary by my side to research words that went beyond my vocabulary.
When I leave this earth, I hope to be reading a good book or writing one.

What are your plans/wishes for the future for you and the world?

I plan on continuing all of my endeavors. Again, I want to increase speaking
and writing.  I may slow down, but as the great Confucius said, “It does not matter
how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.”

Thank you 

Darlene, I want to thank you very much for taking your time to answer my 
Questions. I wish you lots of success with all your projects and keep me
updated :-) 

👉 If you want to know more about Darlene Corbett, please check her website
on this link.