Showing posts with label author in the picture. Show all posts
Showing posts with label author in the picture. Show all posts

Wednesday 22 March 2023

Author in the picture: Marc Terreur

Het is met een bijzonder groot genoegen dat ik de auteur in de kijker
blogpost nieuw leven inblaas met een bijzondere schrijver:
Marc Terreur. 

Ik ken Marc al bijna 22 jaar als collega. Ik wist dat hij ook heel 
bekend is als gitaarbouwer en zanger. Ik had een beetje schrik om zijn
boeken te lezen en te reviewen omdat ik, als ik een verhaal niet leuk vond,
het eerlijk moest zeggen. Gelukkig was mijn angst totaal ongegrond.

Zowel de verhalen in het Nederlands als Hare Halfway in het Engels
zijn pareltjes in de kinder- en jeugdliteratuur met telkens een mooie
les erin. 

Omdat het nu ook Jeugdboekenmaand is, wil ik voorstellen om allemaal
even kennismaken met de schrijver: Marc Terreur.  

It is with great pleasure that I refresh the author in the picture posts on
my blog with a special writer: Marc Terreur.

I have known Marc as a colleague for almost 22 years. I knew he was famous
as a luthier and singer. However, I was a little scared for reading and
reviewing books because if I didn't like a story, I would have to say it honestly.
Fortunately, my fears were totally unfounded.

Both the stories in Dutch and Hare Halfway in English, are gems in
children's and youth literature, each with a beautiful lesson in it.

Because it's now youth book month, I would suggest, let's all meet
the writer: Marc Terreur.

Marc Terreur with his book "Understanding Guitars"
in one of the most special book shops in Sint-Niklaas

Wie is Marc Terreur?

Liefhebbende partner, vader en opa. Luisterend oor. Perfectionist in
mijn gitarenatelier. Gedreven leraar. En verder draait mijn leven rond
creëren, op allerlei terreinen. 

Op mijn website noem ik mezelf niet voor
niets een ondermeerpersoon.  

Who is Marc?

Loving partner, father, and granddad. Listening ear. Perfectionist in my
guitar studio. A passionate teacher. Apart from the above, my life 
revolves around creating, in many different areas.
On my website I introduce myself as an among-others
Yeah, that's me. An among-others person.

Wat geeft je inspiratie?

Muziek, maar dat komt hierna nog aan bod. Slapen! Geen grap:
ik heb al meerdere gedichten gedroomd. Niet dat ik ze dan maar woord
voor woord hoef op te schrijven, maar de aanzet is er wel, en een
enkele keer veel meer dan dat. Vaak ook kleine voorvalletjes uit de
realiteit. Zonder de plot van Haas Halfweg te verklappen: mijn eigen
brievenbus heeft model gestaan. 

Bij Floortje Nachtegaal is het heel anders gegaan. Mijn vader
vertelde weleens bedtijdverhaaltjes. Bekende dingen, zoals
Hansje en Grietje, maar er was ook één sprookje bij dat ik
achteraf nooit heb kunnen terugvinden. Dus mogelijk door
hem bedacht? Helaas kon ik me daar maar één vage flard
van herinneren. Op een goeie dag gaf ik mezelf een schrijfopdracht:
bouw rond dat ene flinterdunne gegeven een compleet nieuw verhaal.   

What gives you inspiration?

Music, but that will be discussed later. 

To sleep! No joke: I have already dreamt several poems. Not that they’re
completely finished when I wake up — that all I have to do is write them down —,
but the onset is there, and 
sometimes much more than that.

Often also small incidents from day-to-day life. Without revealing the plot
of Hare Halfway: know that my own 
letterbox was the starting point.

Things went very differently with Flory Nightingale. My father sometimes
told bedtime stories. Familiar stuff like 
Hansel and Gretel, but there was
also one fairy tale that I 
was never able to find afterwards. My guess is that
he had invented it himself. Unfortunately, I could only remember
one vague fragment.

One day I gave myself a writing assignment: build a completely new story
around that single, wafer-thin element.

Beïnvloedt muziek je werk? Schrijf je bijvoorbeeld op muziek?
Kun je iets creëren in stilte?

Muziek is ontzettend belangrijk voor mij. Een leven zonder kan ik me
niet voorstellen. Ik speel zelf sinds mijn tiende, zat in massa’s groepjes,
schrijf liedjes (tekst en muziek), breng muziek uit ... Dat gitarenambacht
is duidelijk niet uit de lucht komen vallen. Als ik gitaren repareer
klinkt daar bijna altijd muziek bij, maar schrijven met muziek
lukt me niet. Dat vraagt complete concentratie, en dus ook complete

Liedjes kunnen we wel inspireren, of terugvoeren naar een
bepaald moment. Een tekst als Saterdag
( is een goed voorbeeld.  

Does music influence your work? For example, do you write to music?
Can you create something in silence?

Music is extremely important to me. I cannot imagine life without it. I started
playing the guitar at the age of ten; I was in numerous bands; 
I write songs
(lyrics and music) and release albums... That guitar craft 
clearly didn't
come out of the blue.

Music plays almost incessantly in my guitar workshop, but writing is
different. That requires complete concentration and, therefore, complete silence.

Songs do inspire me, though. They have the power to instantly throw me
back to a certain time and place. 
A text like Satyrday ( is a good example.


Heb je een bepaalde dagroutine?

Dat lukt me niet, helaas. Elke dag is anders. Ik werk vijf halve dagen per
week voor het stadsbestuur, gedeeltelijk ter plaatse, gedeeltelijk via
thuiswerk. Soms doe ik namiddagen van tweeënhalf uur, een andere
keer begin ik om kwart over zeven ’s ochtends en werk ik vijf uur door. 

Mijn gitarenatelier neemt de andere halve dagtaak in beslag, en méér:
in de vooravond en op zaterdagochtend ontvang ik klanten die
instrumenten komen brengen of ophalen, doe ik de boekhouding
en onderhoud ik mijn websites en sociale media. In de tijd die dan
nog overblijft probeer ik te schrijven, te koken, te lezen — en wat
later op de avond een aflevering van een goeie serie te bekijken,
of een stuk van een film (deel twee is dan voor de volgende dag).
Tussendoor tracht ik samen met mijn vrouw een paar keer in de
week een uurtje te wandelen, of te fietsen op een zonnige zondag. 

De rest van de familie is er natuurlijk ook nog, en zo kom ik telkens
tot de conclusie: ik weet niet hoe ik het allemaal gefikst krijg.

Do you have a specific daily routine?

I would like that very much, but unfortunately all my days are
different. I work five 
half-days a week for the city council, partly
on site, partly from home. Sometimes I do afternoons of two and a
half hours; other 
times I start at a quarter past seven in the morning
and work for five hours in a row.

My guitar workshop takes up the other half-day's work, and more: 
in the evenings and on Saturday mornings I receive customers; I do
the bookkeeping 
and maintain my websites and social media.
In the remaining time 
I try to write, to cook, to read — watching an
episode of a good series later in the evening, 
or part of a film
(part two is usually for the next day).

Somewhere in-between, my wife and I try to go for a nice nature
walk once or twice a week, or enjoy a bicycle trip on a sunny Sunday.

The rest of the family is also still there, and that's how I keep coming
to the same conclusion, over and over again:
I don't know how I get it all done?!

Sinds wanneer schrijf je al verhalen en wanneer heb je de stap
gezet om echt te publiceren?

Tegen mijn dertigste was ik klaar met wat mijn schrijversdebuut
moest worden. Uitgeverij Dedalus zag 'een goeie roman-in-de-knop'
maar trok een jaar en twee rewrites later alsnog de stekker uit mijn
literaire droom. Van de weeromstuit begon ik gitaarbouw te studeren,
en mijn leven ging een heel andere kant uit. 

Gitaren en muziek traden op het voorplan; ik schreef enkel nog
liedjes, en artikelen in muziekmagazines. In 2015 kwam dan mijn
blog Understanding Guitars, die uiteindelijk leidde tot het
gelijknamige boek. 

Dat ik me ten langen leste opnieuw op het literaire pad begaf, is
eerder toevallig gekomen. 

Eind 2016 heb ik een cd met kinderliedjes uitgebracht,
De Wondere Wereld van Tucker Zimmerman
(die is trouwens nog altijd verkrijgbaar, via mijn webshop

Maar goed, toen ik bezig was aan een vervolg, realiseerde ik me
dat het verhaal dat ik daarvoor bedacht had beter op een andere
manier tot zijn recht zou komen. Het werd Kleine Veritée Vuurvlieg,
een scenario voor een animatiefilm. Ooit wil ik dat script nog
herwerken tot een jeugdroman. 

Maar zo is de stap gezet. Er volgden inmiddels drie jeugdverhalen,
waarvan ik er in 2020 twee heb uitgebracht als e-boek —
een van die twee nu ook als papieren boek. 

In 2021 heb ik me voor het eerst aan poëzie gewaagd. Mijn allereerste gedicht,
Nesten, werd opgenomen in een bundel van de bib van Sint-Niklaas,
en prijkte dit jaar als Weesgedicht op een raam in de Prins Albertstraat.
Tussendoor belandde ik op de podia van de Nacht van de B(r)oze Dichters
(2022) en Gedichtendag 2023.  

Since when do you write stories and when did you take the 
step to actually publish?

By the age of thirty, I had finished what was supposed to become my writing
debut. Publisher Dedalus saw 'a good novel in the bud' 
but still, a year
and two rewrites later, they pulled the plug on my 
literary dream. In response,
I started studying guitar building, 
and my life took a completely different

Guitars and music came to the fore; all I wrote were songs, and articles in
music magazines. In 2015 I started my Understanding Guitars blog, 
eventually led to the book of the same name.

That I at long last set out on the literary path again happened rather by
accident. At the end of 2016 I released a CD with children's songs, 
The Wonderous World of Tucker Zimmerman (which is still available, 
by the way, via my webshop at

While working on a sequel, I suddenly realized that the story I had come
up with would do better in a different form. It became Little Verity Firefly, 
a screenplay for an animated feature film. I still hope to rework that
script into a youth novel someday. Anyway, this is how it happened.

Three youth stories have followed since then, two of which I have
released as e-books in 2020. One of those is now available as a 
hardcover book.

Finally, in 2021, I started writing poetry. My very first poem, Nesten, was
included in a collection 
of the library of Sint-Niklaas. It was also featured
as a so-called “Orphan Poem” 
in 2023, adorning a window
in the Prins Albertstraat. 

In between, I made it to the stages of the 
  Night of the B(r)oze Poets (2022) and Poetry Day 2023.

Je verhaal naar de buitenwereld brengen geeft dat
angst of vreugde? 

De beide. Het voltooien van een verhaal brengt een gigantische
euforie teweeg, al begint meteen ook de twijfel: is het wel goed genoeg?
Die tweespalt houdt een tijd aan: je e-boeken op Amazon zien staan is
fantastisch, een papieren boek in handen houden nog veel meer.
Maar hoe gaan lezers reageren? En bloggers zoals jij? Die spanning
(‘angst’ is misschien een te groot woord) gaat pas liggen als je de
eerste positieve recensies ontvangt. Slotsom: ik ben superblij.
Tot nu toe kregen mijn beide verhalen alleen maar vijf sterren.
Ook van jou dus. Bedankt, Kathleen!  

When releasing a story to the outside world, do you feel fear or joy?

Both. Completing a story brings huge euphoria, although doubt 
immediately strikes: is it good enough? That discord lasts for quite
a while: 
seeing your e-books on Amazon is fantastic, holding a paper
book in 
your hands even more. 

But how will readers react? And bloggers like you? That tension
(‘fear’ is perhaps too strong a word) 
will only lie down when you
receive the first positive reviews.

Conclusion: I'm super happy. So far, both of my stories have only
gotten five stars. Also from you!  
Thank you, Kathleen!

Wat zijn je favoriete boeken & muziekgenres?

Vroeger verslond ik boeken, maar aangezien er geen 48 uur in
een dag zitten, gaat het tegenwoordig meer met hapjes nu en dan.

Sommige boeken dienen als research voor mijn schrijfwerk, bv.
A Sideways Look at Time van Jay Griffiths, of
Desert Solitaire van Edward Abbey.

Daarnaast gaat mijn voorkeur uit naar de betere roman.
Favorieten aanduiden is vreselijk, maar ooit zou ik zeker
The World According to Garp genoemd hebben, een uitstekend
verfilmd meesterwerk van John Irving, Ik heb de voorbije jaren
ook genoten van werken van Paolo Cognetti, Roberto Camurri,
Tom Lanoye en massaal veel anderen. Maar ik doe groot
onrecht aan hen die ik hier niet vermeld. Ik lees ook weleens
een boek over muziek, zoals Hoe muziek werkt van David Byrne,
of 1971 Never a Dull Moment, van David Hepworth.
Of biografieën van muzikale helden! De foto hieronder spreekt
boekdelen, ook over mijn gevarieerde muzikale smaak.
Die gaat van symfonische rock tot singer-songwriter, en wat
daar zoal tussenin zit. Alleen jazz is minder mijn ding, al heb ik dat
zelf ooit gespeeld. 

What are your favorite books & music genres?

I used to devour books, but since there are no 48 hours in a day, at present
it’s more about snacks now and then. 
Some books serve as research for my
writing, e.g. A Sideways Look 
at Time by Jay Griffiths, or Desert Solitaire
by Edward Abbey. 

In addition, I prefer the better novel. Naming favorites sucks, but once I
would surely have answered: The World According to Garp, a John Irving
masterpiece that was later turned into a superb 
film. The past few years I also
enjoyed works by Paolo Cognetti, Roberto Camurri, 
Tom Lanoye and many
others. But I'm doing great injustice to those 
whom I do not mention here.

On occasion, I like to read a book about music, such as How Music Works,
by David Byrne, or 1971 Never a Dull Moment, 
by David Hepworth.
Or biographies of musical heroes! 
The photo below speaks volumes,
also about my varied musical taste. 
It goes from symphonic rock to
singer-songwriter, and almost everything in 
between. Only jazz isn’t really
my cup of tea — although I have played it myself, at some point in my life.

Hoe is je passie voor gitaren en gitaarherstellingen begonnen?

In de jaren ’70 vertoefde mijn zeven jaar oudere broer in de wereld
van de folk. Hij sleet vele uren in Het Reservaat, een legendarisch
café in de Sint-Niklase Nieuwstraat en verre voorloper van
Muziekclub ’t Ey in Belsele. Edi kwam geregeld thuis met
een instrument: gitaar, banjo, mandoline, viool ... 

Veel deed hij daar niet mee, maar ík probeerde alles uit en bleef
eraan plakken voor de rest van mijn leven. Ik zal een jaar of
tien geweest zijn, toen ik mijn eerste gitaarakkoorden leerde.
We maken een grote sprong vooruit. Begin jaren ‘90 deed ik
een tijdje aan houtbewerking: ik maakte al eens een kastje,
maar sneed en beitelde ook beeldjes. Toen ik per toeval in de
telefoongids stootte op het Centrum voor Muziekinstrumentenbouw
in Puurs, heb ik me onmiddellijk ingeschreven. Het was de ideale
combinatie van twee hobby’s. Ik volgde er les van 1992 tot 1996
en ben zelfstandige in bijberoep geworden in 1995, toen ik
Marcus Guitars & Basses heb opgericht (

How did your passion for guitars and guitar repairs start?

In the 1970s, my seven years older brother was a fanatic folk music lover. 
He spent many hours in Het Reservaat, a legendary Sint-Niklaas café,
situated in the 
Nieuwstraat. This café may be seen as a distant precursor
to Music Club 't Ey in Belsele.

Edi regularly brought home instruments: guitar, banjo, mandolin, violin...
He didn't do much with them, but I tried everything and was hooked for life.
I must have been some ten years old when 
I learned my first guitar chords. 

We're taking a big leap forward. By the early 90’s I had taken up woodworking: 
I had made a cabinet or two, but I also carved and chiseled wooden sculptures.
So one day I was leafing through the telephone directory and stumbled upon
the Center for Musical Instrument

Building in Puurs. I immediately registered. It was the ideal combination
of two hobbies. I took lessons there from 1992 to 1996, starting my own
company in 1995: Marcus Guitars & Basses (


Heb je andere hobby’s?

Het kwam al aan bod: wandelen, fietsen, reizen, in een boek of
film duiken (wat vaak ook een beetje reizen is). Afspreken met
mijn zoon of een vriend doe ik graag aan de biljarttafel
(carambole of snooker). Een leuke manier om bij te praten, vind ik.
Soms wordt er meer gepraat dan gespeeld.  

Do you have other hobbies?

As I mentioned earlier on: walking, cycling, traveling, diving in a book 
or film (which is often also a bit of traveling). I like to meet up with my
son or a friend at the billiard table (playing billiards or 
I think it's a nice way to catch up. Sometimes there is more 
talk than play.

Hoe zie je jezelf staan over X aantal jaar als  schrijver.

Ik zou héél blij zijn mocht een erkende uitgeverij mijn werk willen publiceren.
In de eerste plaats wegens de erkenning die dat zou inhouden, maar ook
om praktische redenen. Nu verlies ik massaal veel tijd aan technische zaken
zoals een boek ontwerpen, of een webshop configureren. En de administratie
die er bij uitgeven komt kijken! Plus de boekhouding bijhouden, sociale
media inzetten, adverteren ...

Ja, samenwerken met een uitgever die je een deel van die dingen uit handen
neemt, dat zou pas geweldig zijn. Want uiteindelijk hoop ik vooral op meer
tijd om te schrijven.

How do you see yourself in X number of years as a writer?

I would be very happy if a recognized publisher were to publish my work.
First of all, because of the recognition this would 
entail, but also for
practical reasons.

Now I lose a lot of time on technical matters such as designing a book, or 
creating a webshop. And the administration involved in publishing!
Plus: maintaining the accountancy, using social media, 
advertising ...
Yes, working together with a publisher that would take 
some of those
things off my hands, that would be great.

Because, in the end, what I mostly wish for is simply having more time to write.

👉 Wil je het review van Floortje Nachtegaal - Het meisje in de klok nog eens
nalezen?  Kijk snel op deze link. 

👉 Do you want to re-read the review of Hare Halfway and the book
of Everything? Check this link

Source pictures: Marc Terreur

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Author in the picture: Elizabeth Moore

Thank you very much for participating in your author in the picture blogpost of
MyCrazyLifeWithBooks blog.

I ‘met’ you via the We Love Memoirs Group on Facebook and I read and
reviewed two books of you: From Moulin Rouge to Gaudi’s City and the
second one From Gaudi’s City toGranada’s Red Palace.

I immediately felt a connection because you told with lots of passion about
your travels and you even gave me some new travel ideas.

That’s why I asked you to participate in an author in the picture blogpost.
So here we go with the questions.

1/ Can you tell me more about Elizabeth Moore?

I was born in country Queensland, Australia and moved to Brisbane
to attend high school and University. On graduating, I worked in a large hospital
in NSW, married and had two children. I was then employed for 20 years
at our local university before retiring in 2014. My travels started after cancer
treatment in 2011 and I began writing about my adventures in 2016 my
first book, From Moulin Rouge to Gaudi’s City, in my Someday Travels series,
was published in 2017; my second, From Gaudi’s City to Granada’s Red Palace in 2020.

2/ What is speech pathology exactly?

The term applies to the diagnosis and treatment of speech disorders in adults
and children. It’s probably better known as speech therapy but the name was
revised some years ago to better reflect the scope of the profession.

3/ I read in your books you were diagnosed with cancer.
I admired your strength and your will to live and to travel very much.
How do you feel today?

I’m fine now – aging but healthy. I am still very careful to attend my yearly
scans and medical assessments.

4/ What does the We Love Memoirs group on Facebook mean for you

We Love Memoirs is my happy place. When I first joined, I was delighted to
find many of the authors I had read and admired were already members and
the dynamic between readers and writers was wonderful. If I hadn’t been a
member, I doubt my travel memoirs would have been published.
I discovered Ant Press and with their professionalism and mentoring,
my first book was published.

5/ How did you find the name EJ Bauer?

Memoir authors are often advised to use a pseudonym when writing as it
offers a degree of anonymity for both the writer and people mentioned in
their books. I chose ‘EJ’, the initials of my first names, and ‘Bauer’ is a
family name from my mother’s side. It was also a name that didn’t
appear with any regularity when Googled. My real name, Elizabeth Moore,
is incredibly common and I wanted my author name to be more individual.

6/ Do you like other things than traveling and writing?

I read voraciously and since retiring, I have had time to rediscover the joys
of gardening. Our local birdlife also offers a never-ending passing parade of
antics. I also have 5 grandchildren and they are a joy. Life keeps me busy.

7/ Do you have new travel plans?

Travel plans for the world are on hold but it doesn’t stop me dreaming.
My daughter and her family relocated to Europe just two months before the
pandemic hit. My dream of having a base there and travelling to all sorts of
wonderful destinations has not been realised. When travel is safe, I have Greece,
Germany, Scotland and the USA on my ever expanding list.

8/ Which is your favourite country/place to visit?

That’s like asking about a favourite child. I love France and have visited there twice.
The fact that I sometimes fancifully check real estate listings in various departments
probably speaks to my enduring love of the country. It narrowly beats Italy and Spain
into equal second place. My love of all things French was inspired by my first language
teacher in early high school. I reveal this in some detail in the first chapter of
From Moulin Rouge to Gaudi’s City.

9/ Do you have new writing plans?

My third book on some travel exploits in Italy is well underway. I have book four
taking shape as well. This will cover more time in France and the UK. In both books,
there will be lots of sightseeing, some history, a few interesting encounters and of
course glasses of delicious bubbles.

10/ I always end with the same questions: What are your wishes
for yourself and the world?

It’s hard not to ignore the two large elephants in the room. Of course I want the
current pandemic to be reined in and controlled long term. I also want sensible
and effective worldwide cooperation on climate control. This planet is so precious.
For myself, I want family and friends to stay safe and healthy, but I really want a
transporter so I can see my three grandchildren and their parents who have been
overseas for over 18 months.

More about Elizabeth Moore 

Elizabeth Moore has a website under the name EJ Bauer on this link
You can find her on Facebook on this link

Wednesday 18 August 2021

Author in the picture: Madame Gilflurt, Catherine Curzon

Already from the beginning of my blog adventures in 2012
(sounds like history 😆) , I follow on Twitter a certain Catherine Curzon alias
Madame Gilflurt. She told very interesting stories about the Georgian area. 

Since she has written several books about this interesting time period, I thought
it was an excellent idea to invite her on the blog. 

So these are my questions and her answers. 

Questions & Answers

Can you tell me more about yourself? Who is Catherine Curzon? 
Who is Madame Gilflurt?
Catherine Curzon is a gal who lives up a steep hill in Yorkshire and
writes books about eighteenth century history. My shadow is a little dog named
Pippa, and we have a passion for history and classic Hollywood cinema, reflected
in my Master’s in Film. I’m also half of novelist Ellie Curzon, author of the
bestselling Under a Spitfire Sky, which was published by Orion, and its follow-up
The Codebreaker Girls.  Madame Gilflurt was the name I came up with nearly a
decade ago when I wanted to launch my online presence, and thought a smart
Georgian nickname would be a good way to do it. Gilflurt is a bit of Georgian
cant, meaning a minxish woman!

How did your interest in History started?
I’ve told this story a lot, but my love for history was nurtured by my grandad. 
He lived in a tiny cottage on the edge of Sherwood Forest and was a born
storyteller. By the time I was in primary school I thought Byron’s ghost haunted
the pub and Dick Turpin had a camp out in the woods! When I was five years old he
told me about Marie Antoinette losing her head and that was the clincher –
I was hooked!

How did you begin your blog/website? Do you have tips for new bloggers?
I thought my husband was getting a bit tired of my sharing historical titbits with him,
so I decided to share them with a wider audience instead. That was how the blog
came to be, and it’s since evolved into a place where I post my news and bits and bobs,
such as tour dates for Being Mr Wickham and the like. The main bit of advice I can give
is to keep at it, and make friends. The history community can be very welcoming,
and really nurturing too.

Why do you have such an interest in the Georgian era?
Essentially because of the bloody tales my grandad loved to tell. He really brought
the adventure of the era to life, and captured my young imagination. When he
told stories of the eighteenth century, it really did feel as though anything could
happen. It’s a very relatable time in many ways too, and its obsession with
celebrity and gossip is familiar to anyone who uses social media today, I think.

5/ How do you start researching for new books? 
How for example do you chose a topic?
I specialise in bitesize biographies of Georgian royalty, so there are plenty of
wonderful candidates to choose from. I don’t so much choose a topic as meet
a character in the course of my research who simply won’t sit down. A good
example of that was Sophia, Electress of Hanover. When I wrote
Kings of Georgian Britain and its follow-up about George I’s doomed marriage,
which ended in adultery and murder, Sophia was a major supporting character.
She was the mother of George I and had Stuart blood in her veins, so was a
fascinating character in her own right. As her part in George I’s story got
bigger and bigger, I knew that she had to have her own book.
That became Sophia: Mother of Kings. The same is true for
Queen Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, who has become familiar to
Bridgerton fans lately, but has been a major supporting player in my
non-fiction works from the very first, Life in the Georgian Court.
I’ve just finished her biography, which will be released by
Pen & Sword in 2022, and it’s been a real privilege to spend time with her.

Do you have favourite characters/royals/persons/events in history?
Which ones?
This is a really difficult question for me, because there are just so many.
I’ll narrow it down to a favourite Georgian royal if I may, and choose
Electress Sophia, the founder of the dynasty in so many ways, and a woman
to be reckoned with. She missed out on being queen of the United Kingdom
by a matter of weeks, and I truly believe she is the finest queen we never had.
I also have a soft spot for George IV, but for all the wrong reasons. As a friend
or husband he would’ve been a nightmare, but as a figure who perfectly sums
up the most grotesquely opulent excesses of the era, he takes some beating.

Have you other hobbies or passions than history and writing?
I have a Master’s degree in film and a passion for Golden Age cinema. 
I spend so much time in front of screens that I need to keep my fresh air
topped up, and Pippa and I walk as much as we are able. We’re fortunate to
live among some beautiful countryside, and there’s never any shortage of
fresh air. I also love the theatre and my own play, Being Mr Wickham,
goes on tour in the autumn. I wrote the show with Adrian Lukis, who played
Wickham in the 1995 BBC adaptation of Pride and Prejudice, and returns to
the role in our play, to lift the lid on Wickham at 60. 

How does a typical (writing) day look like?
A typical writing day isn’t too exciting, but it is generally pretty productive, 
and that’s what matters. I get up early and walk Pippa after Mr C has gone to 
work, then we eat breakfast before I head upstairs to my office and knuckle down.
Essentially I try to keep office hours as much as I can, otherwise I’m the sort of
person who could easily find themselves still happily writing away at 4am!
I’ll usually work at home or in our gorgeous village café until Mr C finishes work,
then take Pippa for a walk to meet him. The three of us will then go for a cuppa or
a bit more of a stroll if the weather is fine, then spend the evening relaxing as
much as possible. Writing is my full-time job, and in the past I’ve been guilty
of not giving myself time off. I’ve learned to be much better at that now –
when you’re working for yourself, you have to remember to look after
yourself too!

Do you have other plans for new books?
The Wives of George IV, the true story of Maria Fitzherbert and
Queen Caroline, will be out before Christmas. Next year will see the
release of my Queen Charlotte biography and also a tie-in book for
fans of Bridgerton, which will pull back the sheets on some of the era’s
sauciest scandals. After that There’ll also be exciting things happening
for Ellie Curzon, and Being Mr Wickham too, as well as lots more history!

I always end with the same question. What do you wish for yourself and
for the world? 
A contented and smiling future.

Thank you very much for participating in your Author in the picture blogpost on 
MyCrazyLifeWithBooks Blog. 

I'm looking forward to read your books and to follow your stories on Twitter!

If you want to know more about Catherine Curzon and Madame Gilflurt here
are some interesting pages and links!


Wednesday 21 July 2021

Author in the picture: Dawne Archer

Recently I read and reviewed Trekker Girl - Morocco Bound (you can read my
review on this link). I was pleasantly surprised by the book and by the motives
of the author - Dawne Archer - as well. That's why I asked her if she wanted to
participate in an author in the picture blogpost. Luckily she said yes 😊.

So here are the questions and answers of Dawne Archer in her Author in the
picture blog post on this blog. 


A very good question and one I sometimes ponder. The short
answer is that I am a 61-year-old woman, reasonably fit and
healthy despite issues with thrombosis, ready to get back to
travelling the world.



Trombosis is the formation of blood clots. They can occur in
the arteries,often manifesting as strokes or heart attacks, or in
the veins. I havehad two veinous blood clots, one in my leg
(Deep Vein Thrombosis) and one in my lung
(Pulmonary Embolism). I am very lucky to be alive, whereas
my Dad died of a PE.

There can be multiple causes. In my case, I inherited a gene
mutation called Factor 5 Leiden, which isn't that unusual and often
causes no problems. Unfortunately, I have inherited this from both
parents, making my risk factor in certain situations up to 88 times
higher. That is an astonishing statistic and 
I could fill many pages
with the information I have about 
but the most accurate and helpful source of 
facts, figures and
support is Thrombosis UK 



My first fundraiser was the Sahara Desert Trek which is the
subject of my book, 'Trekker Girl Morocco Bound'. I joined a
group of trekkers, paying all the expenses myself so that every
penny I raised went to Thrombosis UK. Was it a step too far
for a moderately healthy woman in her early 50s? I will let you
answer that one. It was certainly a tougher challenge than I had expected.

My fundraising is ongoing, with an overnight walk through the
mountains of Mallorca and I even competed in a ballroom dance
competition. The dancing was a long way out of my comfort zone
as I prefer walking boots to high heels, but it was a successful
fundraising event. I am currently trying to plan a challenge that
will attract both attention and donations because I aim to raise
awareness of thrombosis, something which does save lives,
as well as much needed funds.



My health issues are with me for life. I have tried to live to the full,
despite having to take care in certain situations. For example,
flying is a risk as is being immobile, especially after an operation.
In 90 minutes we all lose 50% of the blood flow in our legs.
I am a restless person and travelling keeps me 'on the go'.
Curiosity drives me forward, itching to learn more about
other countries and cultures. I may have to change my
mode of transport and adapt my methods but nothing, including
Covid, will keep me down.



I couldn't believe this name was not already in use! I used an
organisation called 'Just Giving' to collect the funds for my trek
and needed a catchy name. I love it.


That is a difficult question to answer, having lived in the UK,
North America and Spain at various times. It is also hard to
pick on only one place I have visited, as I have had such
amazing experiences in many locations. I will say that Cuba
is full of special people, Chile has all kinds of dramatic natural
landscapes to explore and Alaska is just awe inspiring…I
could go on. A part of my heart belongs to a small rock in
the middle of the Irish Sea called the Isle of Man.


Apart from writing and travelling? I love to entertain friends and
family and, of course, I walk most days, preferably somewhere
with a view of the sea. I enjoyed my involvement with a local
radio station, conducting interviews which gave me the opportunity
to indulge my curiosity about other people and their motivations.
You can be sure that I am rarely stuck for something to say.

Covid has made us all less mobile and I have indulged in lots
of reading (especially memoirs, thanks to the marvellous
Facebook group 'We Love Memoirs'). Tapestry and jigsaws kept
me occupied during the lockdowns, and I am always keen to try
something new, but it is safe to say that quilting proved disastrous.

Dawne Archer at the Glastonbury Music Festival



Covid has made me realise that there is nothing more important
to me than family. Seeing them whenever possible has been,
and still is, a priority. However, they know I will never stop
travelling and that has always been the way. They love to hear
'tall stories' of my adventures.



I am very much a night owl. Peace and quiet in the later hours
of the day suit me best.



Digging through some old storage boxes, I found a treasure trove
of diaries written on my trips. Some short travel memoirs sound
like a fun way to get some more of my writing out into the world.
I have also contributed to a couple of published compilations
of travel stories.

Boot problems while travelling


That is a very good question and one that needs a lot of thought.
For me, I wish continued good health with no further thrombosis
episodes. For my family, good health too.
For the world? A way through the current Covid crisis.


You can find me here:

twitter handle: @DawneArcher19


Trekker Girl Morocco Bound is available from Amazon at

A big Thank you

I want to say a big thank you to Dawne Archer for participating in her own
Author in the picture blogpost on this blog. 

It's always nice to talk to very inspiring authors such as Dawne Archer. 

Wednesday 7 July 2021

Author in the picture: Geri Walton

Already from the start of my other blog - the Allaboutroyalfamilies blog - and my big
debut on Twitter 😃, I 'met' Geri Walton, an author and historian fascinated by
the 18th. and the 19th. century. 

She also wrote several books inter alia Napoleon's downfall, which I read and reviewed
on this blog

I was very happy that Geri Walton was interested to participate in an Author in the picture
blogpost, so here we go. 

The Questions & Answers

Hello Geri, Could you tell me more about you? Who is Geri Walton?

I am a historian of the 18th and 19th century and host of my own blog that
I established in mid-October 2013. Because of all the fascinating subjects
and people from these eras, I learned a lot while writing my blog and have
written four books that have a connection to France. These books are
"Marie Antoinette's Confidante" (a tale about the Princesse de Lamballe
who was a friend and superintendent of the household to Marie Antoinette),
"Madame Tussaud" (a story about the famous wax figure sculptress
who established Madame Tussaud’s wax museum and provided
her version of the French Revolution), 
"Napoleon's Downfall" (an account about a French socialite,
Madame Juliette Récamier, who butted heads with the Emperor Napoleon),
and my latest book, "Jane Austen's Cousin" (a story about Eliza de Feuillide
who married a French count, survived the French Revolution, and then
married her cousin Henry Austen).

How did you get involved with history?

I have always been fascinated by people and history. During high school,
I constantly read books related to people and history so it was inevitable that
when I went to college I would major in history.

Do you have other interests than history and writing?

I have several outside interests. One is gardening. I have a raised bed where
I grow tomatoes, cucumbers, zucchini, carrots, radishes, tomatillos, onions,
hot peppers, and a dozen herbs. In addition, I like to cook and make everything
from chicken pot pies to braised ribs and luscious cookies and cakes.
I also began knitting when I was eight and find it a relaxing hobby.
I often knit while watching TV.

How do you start writing books? For ex. How do you choose your topics?

My interest is usually piqued by something I read while working on
my blog or reading tweets. Then, I start researching and decide whether
to write a book, which I do partly to learn more about the subject and
partly to satisfy my own curious nature.

Do you like to travel?

I love to travel and have visited Germany, France, Austria, and England.
Some of these trips were for pleasure and some of them were related to
the books I have written. For instance, when I wrote
“Marie Antoinette’s Confidante,” I travelled to the Chateau Rambouillet
in France to learn more about the chateau and estate because both the
Princesse de Lamballe and Marie Antoinette lived there. Then when
I wrote my book on Madame Tussaud, I visited London, England, as that
was the site of Madame Tussaud’s first wax museum. I have also travelled
throughout the U.S. and visited numerous historical sites on the east
and west coasts.

Which person(s) in history fascinate you the most?

There is no one person that I find fascinating. Rather I find the 1700 and 1800s
fascinating and like to learn about the lifestyle and insights of people from those
time periods. It is interesting to try and figure out how they saw the world, what
they worried about, and why they approached life the way they did.

Which events in history are special to you?

I like almost any event that happened in the 1700 or 1800s. For instance,
I have enjoyed learning about the revolutionary periods both in America and
France and have tried to understand what motivated people during those times.
I also like the Victorian Era because it was such a time of reform and
improvement, families were also a dominate feature, and religion and morality
became a battleground among agnostics, free thinkers, and theologians.
In addition, so many interesting people of the 1700 and 1800s
(such as Queen Victoria, George Washington, Napoleon Bonaparte,
Benjamin Franklin, or Louis XVI) changed the world. I find that
I am always learning something new whenever I study the eighteenth and
nineteenth centuries.

Do you have a daily routine?

I have a loose routine where I schedule my Facebook posts and tweets
for Twitter each morning. Then I spend four to five hours writing. Sometimes
extra material from a book becomes a blog post and sometimes a blog post
I’ve already written ends up becoming part of a book.

I always end with the same question: what are your wishes
for yourself and the world?

I am extremely grateful that my immediate family and I survived the pandemic
despite my father-in-law succumbing to Covid. With everything returning to normal
in the U.S., and as more and more people around the world get Covid vaccinations
and as covid cases go down, I hope everyone will realize how blessed they are
to be alive. I know that I am taking more time to appreciate the many wonderful
blessings that I enjoy.

Thank you 

Thank you very much Geri Walton for this interview and your participation in 
your author in the picture blogpost. 

Good luck with the publication of your new book(s) and keep me updated!

Where to follow Geri Walton?

You can read more about Geri Walton on ther website: .

Friday 14 May 2021

Bookreview: A New Life in the Algarve, Portugal

An anthology of life stories curated by

Alyson Sheldrake 

Wonderful stories of People who moved to Portugal! 


What makes a person decide to move abroad to start a new life? And why do so many 
people choose the Algarve in Portugal as their dream location?

In this compilation of life stories, you can read about a whole range of different people
who have made the Algarve their home. 

Read about the families that moved to live in the Algarve in the early 1970's, before
tourism was even an idea. 

Funny moments, heartfelt journeys, and real-life modern adventures are all covered
in this fascinating anthology. 

My Review

I'm a huge fan of short (travel) stories about people's lives and intentions. That's why
I liked to read this amazing book. Besides that, Portugal is without any doubt one of
my favourite holiday countries. 

Do I need to say more? I really enjoyed reading. The stories were honest and interesting
as well! 

I would recommend this book to all who want to move to Portugal or people who just
like to read travel memoirs.

I give with lots of pleasure a 5 star rating for this splendid book! 

The author

Alyson Sheldrake is one of the amazing authors in the picture of this book blog.
You can check her author in the picture blog post on this link

A beta reader

I was very proud to be a beta reader for this book. However, I bought the "real" book
via because I liked it so much (and because my name was in it 😇😅 ).

Wednesday 14 April 2021

Author in the picture blogpost: Susan J. Witt

Recently, I read and reviewed the book Energy of Love from Susan J Witt
 which I really liked (check my review on this link). 

I felt immediately that this was not just one of the self-help books. So, I became
curious to know the author Susan J. Witt better. That’s why I asked you if you
wanted to participate in a new Author in the picture blogpost. Luckily you said yes.
So, here are the questions.

The Questions

Who is Susan J Witt?

My story is not dramatic, and I did not have a near death experience that created a
great awakening for me, but instead my story is much like what others go through
as life happens to them.

At the age of 16 years old I became a Christian and proclaimed Jesus Christ as my
Lord and Saviour. I later married and devoted my life to raising two beautiful children.
We raised our children as Lutheran and for 16 years I was committed to being
the best mom possible.

It all started to fall apart when my youngest received his driver’s license.   
It happened over night that I was no longer needed as a mother. This took me
like a storm and left a big hole in my heart. I did not know who Susan was anymore
and after 16 years I had to find myself.

After a few years of wallowing in these thoughts my life took a drastic down-turn
of depression and self-hate. I started to believe I was a horrible person, and my
marriage was almost over. One day my husband introduced me to Finerminds
by Brian Johnson. 

This was a daily email subscription of self-empowered material and my first
exposure to the power of our thoughts. Finerminds introduced me to an array of
books on self-help and that’s when it turned into years of being consumed by
learning all areas of self-help and self-empowerment. During this 5-year
period I learned Yoga, Meditation, Law of Attraction, many areas of healing
energy, crystal energy, oracle card readings, and I became a Reiki Master.
All of this brought me out of depression and gave me self-empowerment
to make changes, but it did not make me a happy person. My life was
 so absorbed in learning that it took over my life completely.

One day in April 2014 everything changed. I was doing what I always did
at that time, which was reading more material on my computer, when suddenly
a very loud interruptive voice said to me, “SELF-LOVE”. With these simple
two words I was downloaded with a knowledge and knowing that Self-Love
was the true key to happiness. Suddenly I just knew that all the information
for years that I was consuming was truly meant for a greater purpose and
that God finally gave me the answer of Self-Love AND my life mission!

It was easy for me to know what I needed to do because I had years of
learning and experience in self-help. God made it easy for me to link all
of it to Self-Love. I was going to help millions of people realize this too
by writing an actual how-to program to self-empower and self-love.
But what others have NEVER done in all that I have read, I was going to
tell it quite differently. I was going to plant the seed of LOVE and show
people how Love is connected to all self-help, Law of Attraction,
Quantum theories, and most importantly how Love is who we
really are at the deepest spiritual level!

A year later I created a book called Energy of Love, A How-To Program
to Self-Empowerment and Self-Love. This was not just a program but a
complete learning experience from the ground up. Non-religious and extremely
easy to read and understand for all levels. The first half of Energy of Love is
the learning, and the 2nd half is the how-to. The detail and flow of how
Energy of Love connects the dots to link God with Science is mastery.
I can say this because it was God that sat with me during every second
of writing this profound book. Energy of Love was changed a few times
as I added and edited it to make it even more complete and it was
published in March of 2018.

In 2020 another life changing event happened to me. I received the 2020
Next Generation Indie Book Award. This is proclaimed the largest international book
award program for indie writers and Energy of Love place as a finalist in
the Self-Help Category!

Today I have a large social media following on all platforms, and I use this to
continue daily to spread the message of Self-Love and my book Energy of Love. 
I have started another book that is presently unnamed. This book will be the
next level of human after Self-Love and that is learning to live in the energy
and consciousness of Unconditional Love. God speaks to me when I write,
and this book is not ready for humanity right now because there is so much
healing to be done first and especially cultivating Self-Love. I have no timeframe
for this new book but write as God gives me the messages and know it will be
ready when the human is ready.

Can you say something more about your book(s)?

Energy of Love is available on Amazon and Barnes and Noble website.
It is offered in Paperback, Hardcover and E-book. It is important to point out
that Energy of Love is a life changing program that has many thought
provoking concepts and ideas in every chapter. This book is not meant to be
read in a weekend, but to be consumed slowly and let each piece sit with
your own beliefs. As I explain in the book the power of change can only
come from YOU. I give several website references throughout the
chapters so you can stop and do your own research. Energy of Love
plants seeds for you to research. I can give you several examples,
but it is your own research that gains the strength and empowerment
to make real life changes!

On your site is mentioned that you are a Reiki Master.
Can you tell us what Reiki is? And how it can help people?

Reiki is an immensely powerful healing modality that I channel from the
Divine Source of Love. I believe Reiki is one of the most powerful sources of
“hands-on” healing because it does not come from me, but from God.
The healing energy is channelled through my hands, to the person receiving
the healing. I can focus on a specific emotional or physical issue, or we can
simply ask for peace to be delivered in the session. Reiki is for everyone
and a beautiful peaceful healing energy. I have seen profound healing
in the years of administering Reiki!  Distance Reiki is a way you can channel
the healing to someone in another location, and I have found this to be just
as beneficial as if the person were in the same room!  For first-time clients
I always give a free 20-minute Distance Reiki session so they can
receive a taste of its power.

Do you do other things besides writing and Reiki?

I also do Oracle card readings. This is not like Tarot readings, but it is
messages coming in from your Angels or any kind of spiritual being.
Oracle readings help people to communicate with the heavenly beings
that are assigned to help us in this human life. The readings can be very
general, or you can ask for specific guidance on an issue. I want to make
it clear that my readings do not for-tell the future. The future changes
every second based on your thoughts and feelings, so the reading can help
you to see the direction you are going, and it is especially helpful
to have awareness of your own energy at the moment of the reading.


Where do you get your inspiration from?

My inspiration comes from an inner knowing when I get into a place of quiet and
peace. We all have gifts that surface when we can quiet the mind. My gift is Clair
cognizance, which is “the ability of a person to acquire psychic knowledge
without knowing how or why they knew it”.  I sometimes get revelations
or downloads of information when I write, read, (like the day in April 2014),
or even driving. Mostly when I start writing the words start flowing and the
knowledge and power come out of me.

I have a daily meditation practice that I am very faithful to and more
than likely addicted! I have often thought about teaching meditation
because it is so important to the mind, body, and soul.
I offer a free 32-minute meditation on my website so please check that out!

Another daily practice is staying away from ego-based thoughts (separation and fear).
I constantly monitor my thoughts through self-awareness so I can work on being in
the highest level of consciousness. My goals are to try and always stay in the energy of love.

On my social media I love sharing other peoples’ work and their spiritual guidance.
Much of what I share on social media are who I follow and get my spiritual
guidance and inspiration.

Do you plan things in life or is it more going with the flow?

I feel it is important to do both. By knowing and living in your authentic truth,
you can set the correct frequency and vibrational match to the future of
your dreams. Going with the flow is getting out of your own way and
allowing the Universe to bring you naturally what you desire.
I always say that even if you do not know what you desire just focus on
the energy of love, because then you cannot get it wrong!

What is your most important aim in life?

Helping millions to awaken to self-love and cultivate living a life of
being your authentic self. This mission will be with me until I leave this Earth!

Do you sport or do you follow a health routine?

Over the years I have been mindful about my body, and I practice a diet
that is healthy and works for me. From my spiritual perspective it is
important to eat and exercise according to your own physical needs.
This is very personal and specific for everyone, so I do not feel it is
right or important to give my routine. Your body speaks to you every second,
so listen to what it is telling you!

I like to listen to music all day. Do you prefer silence or music and which one?

I feel music can be so inspirational and it can take you into just about any
kind of mood. I listen to music daily, and I also do several guided meditations
throughout the day.  There are many times when I crave silence too!

I always end with the same question:
What are your wishes / dreams for you and the world?

Well, if I could answer that honestly most people would not understand
the language. To keep it simple, I dream of living in a higher dimensional
world where the consciousness level is LOVE or above. A world that has no
conditions on love, and we can just give love freely. We do not judge and
that our love comes without attachments and expectations.  
Ah, that is my next book….

Do you want to know more about this fab author?

Check her website:

Thank you! 

Thank you very much for participating Susan! Wish you lots of success with your
coming book(s) and keep us updated!