Sunday, 29 May 2022

In de schaduw van Schindler

auteur: Kevin Prenger

verschenen: mei 2022

aantal pagina's: 300

gewicht: 450

thema: Geschiedenis - Tweede Wereldoorlog 

"Een aangrijpend boek"


Wie waren de Duitsers die hun Joodse medemensen hielpen, meestal met
gevaar voor eigen leven, terwijl de meesten van hun landgenoten de andere
kant opkeken of bijdroegen aan de nazimisdaden?

Terwijl de meeste Duitsers zich juist afzijdig hielden of de Jodenvervolging
actief of passief ondersteunden, behielden sommigen wel hun menslievendheid.
Van een intellectuele schrijver tot een vrouwelijke dierenarts en van een
ingenieur tot een politiek gevangene in Auschwitz, allemaal groeiden zij
uit tot onbaatzuchtige mensenredders.

In tegenstelling tot Oskar Schindler zijn andere Jodenhelpers uit Hitlers
Derde Rijk echter relatief onbekend gebleven. 

Mijn recensie

Door de dagelijkse drukte duurde het even eer ik dit bijzonder boek kon 
lezen en reviewen. Het greep me onmiddellijk aan en ik merkte ook hier
de grondige research op. Dit kenmerkt trouwens alle boeken van Kevin

Over de opbouw van het boek is goed nagedacht, de hoofdstukken
volgen elkaar logisch op. De schrijfstijl is vlot en helder. Ik leerde meer
over de Tweede Wereldoorlog. 

Kortom, dikke pluim voor de auteur en een aanrader voor iedereen die 
meer wil weten over de menselijke kant van de Tweede Wereldoorlog. 

Ik geef met heel veel plezier 5* voor dit fantastisch boek. 


Kevin Prenger is geen onbekende auteur voor mij. Eerder las en recenseerde 
ik al Kerstmis onder vuur en Oorlogszone Zoo . Beide boeken waren
aangrijpend om te lezen. 

Wie is Kevin Prenger? 

Tweede Wereldoorlog-deskundige en publicist Kevin Prenger deed
uitgebreid onderzoek naar deze geschiedenissen en bracht ze samen in
In de schaduw van Schindler. Hij toont aan dat het kwaad niet altijd

Kevin Prenger (1980) is hoofdredacteur van, het grootste
Nederlandstalige online naslagwerk over WO2 en schrijft voor

Saturday, 28 May 2022

Trauma Surviror's Guide to Coping With Panic Attacks

Book review : Trauma Surviror's Guide to Coping With Panic Attacks

Author: Nicole Dake

An interesting book!


Panic attacks that result from PTSD and cPTSD can be debilitating. Research
unfortunately falls short, telling those suffering from panic attacks to just
"wait for them to be over." Over the years I have learned to cope, first
preparing for panic attacks, and then calming down during a panic attack.
I am sharing these coping skills with others who have PTSD, so they can
go from being survivors to warriors too.

My review

It took a while to read the book completely although it wasn't a big one,
however the topic really interested me much. 

The author has used her own experiences which I found very interesting. 
It is a clear book, fluently written and understandable.

I recommend this book to all who want to know more about how to deal
with panic attacks. 

Without any doubts I give a 5 star rating for this interesting book!

The author

Nicole Dake is a blogger, author and mom of three, living in
Broomfield, CO. Nicole graduated from University of Colorado,
Boulder with a BA in Psychology in 2008. Nicole writes about health
and wellness for moms and kids, with a focus on whole person wellness.
In her spare time, she enjoys swimming, yoga and playing Magic
the Gathering.


I want to thank booktasters and the author as well, for providing me a
free copy in return of my honest review, which I did. 

Wednesday, 25 May 2022

Author in the picture: D.W. Whitlock

One of the first books I ever reviewed via Booktasters was Crucible of Fear,
written by D.W. Whitlock. I was very honoured to read and review another
wonderful book from the author: Cult of Darkness . That's why I was keen
to invite this excellent writer for the author in the picture blog post. So here
are the questions.

Can you tell us a bit more about D.W. Whitlock?

 I've worked a lot of jobs over the years from lake dock worker to electrician
to animation for television and games. I've met so many amazing people
from all walks of life and those experiences have been invaluable for
shaping characters and stories. 

Could you tell us something more about the Cult of Darkness?

 I've always been fascinated by ancient cultures, specifically the Maya,
and I've always wanted to tell a story that captures their rich history with
as much respect as possible. One of the themes of Cult of Darkness is
cultural appropriation versus cultural appreciation, and I have characters
in the story on opposing sides of this theme. The most important thing for
me was no aliens. The Maya culture is rich with history and incredible stories
and trying to explain their advanced stone masonry skills and writing
system by extra terrestrial intervention is insulting, I believe. They were
bloody yet brilliant. That should be enough!

 What are your other interests other than writing?

I'm a lifetime gamer and being able to play video games now with my son
is a true joy. One of my other passions is riding my Triumph Scrambler
motorcycle. For me, I've discovered the best therapy can be found on two wheels. 

What are you most afraid of?

Wouldn't you like to know! (It's tarantulas. I hate them!)

Do you have favorite book characters?

I do. My favorite book of all time is Swan Song by Robert McCammon and
I love all the characters in this book. Sister, Josh Hutchins, Swan,
Alvin Mangrim, Colonel Jimbo Macklin, Roland Croninger and the many
others in this incredible book. I love them all.

How do you choose your topics?

I retain a lot of useless information and facts about my interests: Film,
books, science, emerging technology, video games, interesting people, etc.
My mind tends to wander and mull over these subjects. That is usually
when my ideas come. This usually happens before I sleep or while I'm
not able to write ideas down. In the shower, taking a walk, driving. 

Do you have a special daily (writing) routine?

Usually just fire up the laptop and go over my outline to remind me where
I'm at in the story. My dog, Nikki, loves to snuggle up when I write so that helps :)

Can you recommend some places close to your hometown or country
for (thriller) authors?

Nothing particular comes to mind, but I do use Google Earth to virtually
visit locations that I research for my books. 

Have you any other writing plans?

Someday I'd like to branch out and possibly write horror novels, as well
as another action thriller series.

What is your wish for 2022 and for the near future?

I'd love to sell as many copies of Cult of Darkness and Crucible of Fear of
course and reach as many readers as I can. A book isn't truly complete until
it is read and enjoyed by someone. Or hated. As long as I invoke an emotional
response, I'm happy. 

Where do you find D.W. Whitlock on Social Media?

Twitter: @ddubwhitlock

Thank you very much for this 'interview' and I really hope all your wishes 
come true. Keep up the good writing work!