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Showing posts with label author. Show all posts

Wednesday 9 December 2020

Author in the picture: Millie Thom

Recently, I read and reviewed three books of the series Son of Kings written by
Millie Thom. I gave them all a 5 star on 5 rating, because I liked them so much.
That's why I wanted to know more about this lovely author and lady! I asked 
if she wanted to do a small interview for the author page of this blog. Luckily
she said yes! I hope you'll enjoy the interview! The link of this blogpost will 
be posted on the author page of Mycrazylifefullwithbooks blog with the
links of Millie Thom's social media & Amazon.

The Interview

First of all, I would like to say a big Thank You to Katheen for inviting me
to do this interview. I really appreciate it and it’s good to be here.


Why did you want to write a series?

Even before I started writing my novels about Alfred the Great, I knew it would
take more   than a single book to tell the story of his entire life.
It wasn’t that I particularly wanted to write a series as much as the fact that
necessity called for it. At first, I hoped that two books would be enough,
but then I added my second protagonist, Eadwulf, and the story massively
expanded. I ended up with a four-book series which tells the stories of two
members of Anglo-Saxon royal families but from different kingdoms:
Alfred of Wessex and Eadwulf of Mercia.


How do you create the different characters in your books?

When writing historical fiction many of the characters’ names are already
there, and there is no way an author can change those names, even if they
are difficult for readers to pronounce, as with the Anglo-Saxon names.
When naming my fictional characters, I have to make sure they are also
Anglo-Saxon or Danish (Viking) names that were in use during the time
period of my series. For example, it would be idiotic to name an Anglo-Saxon
male as Charlie, Alex or Callum because they weren’t in use then.
There are several online sites which have lists of names from a number of
cultures and time periods, so are useful for all authors

There are a lot of characters in my books because of the different stories
of the two protagonists that run concurrently. I try to create characters of
different appearances, temperaments, abilities and ambitions to add variety
to the story. I have also tried to ensure my books are not male dominated,
 as many Viking themed books tend to be. I wanted to give a look at the period
from the POV of both men and women.

How was your passion for (royal) history and writing started?

I have loved history since I was a child, and in the UK at that time most
history in secondary schools tended to focus on events involving royalty.
I learned a lot about many famous British kings and queens like Henry VIII,
Elizabeth I and Queen Victoria. Only in relatively recent years has history
broadened its approach to include more about the everyday people of those
times in both British and other cultures.

As for writing, I have been a keen story writer most of my life.
I was fortunate enough to have teachers who encouraged creativity in writing
and steered me in the right direction. However, with six children to bring up
and a teaching career, I didn’t start writing novels until I’d retired.


Do you have any other interests?

I have always loved creating things, from making clothes
(dressmaking/sewing) to embroidery, knitting and baking. Having had six children
to feed and clothe, these are all things I’ve done a lot of over the years. Besides
writing novels, I also love writing flash fiction pieces, which are very short stories
ranging from six to a thousand words. I have one book of such stories on Amazon,
titled A Dash of Flash.


Which other authors or things inspire you?

I mostly read historical novels, so authors like Wilbur Smith, Bernard Cornwell
and Susannah Gregory, as well as several others, have inspired me to write my
own books. My interest in history has also meant that I have loved many of the
Classics, written by so many well-known authors, from Charles Dickens, the
Bronte sisters, Jane Austen and Lucy Maud Montgomery to Daniel Defoe and
Harper Lee and Mark Twain. The list could go on for ever, so I’ll stop here.

Visiting historic sites can also be inspirational. We visited many sites in
England and Wales, as well as Denmark, France and Andalucia before and while
I was writing the Sons of Kings series. It helps a great deal when describing events
set in those places. Such places can also give ideas for books not yet written.  


You work together with BookTasters. Are reviews important to you?

Reviews are immensely important to all authors, and it’s a shame
that so many readers don’t think of leaving them. Reviews help authors
to know what readers like about their books as well as pointing out what
they didn’t like, or what didn’t work for them. In other words, 
can help authors in the development of their writing. A review can be as
little as a sentence, which wouldn’t take long to write and would mean
so much to the author concerned.

BookTasters is an excellent site and offers free books to readers in
exchange for honest reviews. As such, it does not break Amazon’s rule
regarding authors paying for reviews. Authors simply pay for the
service provided by BookTasters, which helps to get books ‘seen’
by potential reviewers.


Do you have other writing plans?

I am currently writing an historical fiction novel (a one-off this time)
set in the early 17th century. It is set in another village we once lived in,
so is another story I’ve known about for some time – and is quite different
to my King Alfred and the Vikings novels. Once I’ve finished that,
I would like to try my hand at writing a ‘whodunnit’ or murder mystery.
Of course, it would have to have an historical setting. There are several
time periods I’m interested in, but I would not choose anything later than
the 1950s or further back than the Roman period. I will probably also put
together another book of flash fiction pieces at some stage.
I already have almost fifty pieces written but I’m aiming
for eighty-five in order to match A Dash of Flash.

Thank you very much for this interview Millie Thom!!!

Millie Thom's Social Media links:

Amazon Com: link

Goodreads: link

Blog/Website: link

Twitter: link

Instagram: link

My Bookreviews:

Here are my bookreviews of Millie Thom's books:

Shadow Of The Raven on this link

Pit of Vipers on this link

Wyvern of Wessex on this link