Tuesday, 17 November 2020

Recensie: Happy Life 365

 Wat een positief boek!

Happy Life 365

geschreven door Kelly Weekers


In Happy Life 365 laat Kelly Weekers op basis van simpele stappen zien hoe bepalend 
je denkwijze  is voor je dagelijkse geluksgevoel. Aan de hand van thema's als 
zelfvertrouwen, gezondheid, vriendschap, werk, social media en relaties leer je 
op een simpele en effectieve manier anders om te 
gaan met negativiteit, stress en piekeren. Kelly vertelt nuchter en met humor 
hoe je zelf geluk creëert. Boordevol praktische opdrachten, voorbeelden, 
simpele stappenplannen, tips, tricks en quotes 
voor 365 dagen geluk

Mijn recensie

Er zijn niet veel boeken, die me zoveel dingen laten noteren
als "Happy Life 365".  De auteur gaf me heel wat tips en tricks om 
te gebruiken, zelfs dagelijks. Daarom is het
een boek om vaak vast te nemen en te herlezen. 

Ik heb dan ook nieuwe inzichten gekregen
zoals op een andere manier naar de dingen kijken of 
minder verwachtingen hebben, want
ik denk dat de meesten de lat super hoog leggen.

De eenvoudige, toegankelijke én bovenal positieve schrijfstijl 
maken "Happy Life 365" 
erg bijzonder. 

Tot slotte raad ik het boek "Happy Life 365" met veel plezier 
aan bij vrienden, collega's en kennissen. 

Als iedereen probeert de tips en tricks van Kelly Weekers te hanteren 
wordt het leven zo veel mooier. 

Ik geef dan ook graag een beoordeling van 5 sterren op 5. 

De schrijfster

Drs. Kelly Weekers is life & business coach. Ze is veelgevraagd spreker. 
Binnen haar eigen onderneming kellyweekers.com coachte zij duizenden 
mensen naar een succesvoller en gelukkiger leven. Daarnaast is ze bestsellerauteur 
en ondernemers coach met haar eerste boek Happy Life 365.


Happy Life 365 las ik via Kobo plus van Bol.com.

Bron foto: Titelpagina  

Thursday, 12 November 2020

Bookreview: Glory Bishop

Bookreview: Glory Bishop

written by Deborah L.King


Glory Bishop lives her life in pieces. At work and with her friends, she reads novels, speaks her mind, and enjoys slow dances and stolen kisses with her boyfriend, JT. But at home, Glory follows strict rules and second-guesses every step. Though she dreams of going to college and living like a normal teenage girl, her abusive mother has other ideas.

When JT leaves to join the navy, Glory is left alone and heartsick. The preacher’s son, Malcolm Porter, begins to shower her with lavish gifts, and her mother pushes Glory to accept his advances. Glory is torn between waiting for true love with JT or giving in to the overzealous Malcolm.

When a stranger attacks Glory on the street, Malcolm steps in to rescue her, and her interest in him deepens. But the closer she gets to him, the more controlling he becomes. Glory must eventually decide whether to rely on others or to be her own saviour.

My Review

What an amazing book! I really enjoyed reading it! I was a bit scared due to the Bible phrases at the beginning of the book, but when I started reading, I learned that 'Glory Bishop' had fantastic strong characters. 'Glory Bishop' is well drawn and has an excellent dialogue. 

I certainly would recommend 'Glory Bishop' for all who like to read novels and stories about a young woman, who grows up. Therefore I give this book a 5 stars on 5 rating. 

The author

Deborah King has been a writer and storyteller her whole life. She published her first short story when she was seven years old. When she’s not writing, Deborah enjoys cartoons, cooking, photography, and Star Trek. Born and raised in Chicago, Deborah has managed to achieve all of her childhood dreams and still lives in the area with her husband and two youngest children. According to her daughter, she has “literally aced her life!”

I really enjoyed Glory Bishop written by Deborah King. It was the first book of this splendid author, I read and I hope there will follow more amazing books of her. 


I received an advanced copy for free, by BookSirens, and I'm leaving this review voluntarily. 

Source picture: Book cover 

Tuesday, 10 November 2020

Bookreview: How To Live The Dream

How To Live The Dream 

Things every van lifer needs to know 

written by Kristine Hudson 


Are you bored with living in the city, going to work, and never seeing anything outside of your house or office?  Do you feel like the walls are closing in on you?  Do you finally want to say “goodbye” to the city streets and “hello” to the open road?

Everywhere on social media, you see breath-taking pictures of people who have launched themselves into van living with complete success.  They seem to live the ultimate lives of freedom, rebellion, and careless, peaceful existence.  Are you ready to join them?

Van Life is a lifestyle associated with freedom.  With four wheels on the road at all times, you can go anywhere and do anything.  No more stuffy conference rooms.  No more waiting.  And in many cases, no idea what to do next!

In her debut publication, Kristine Hudson guides her audience from the wishful thinking stages, through the various levels of preparation required to put the key in the ignition and leave your “stationary home” behind.

Here are just a few of the things that “Every Van Lifer Needs to Know:”

•Whether van life is right for you- a look into balancing the reality with the dream

•Creating an environment of health and wellness no matter where you go

•How to choose your new home… and how to make it your new haven on wheels

•What you’ll need to prepare for life on the road

•How to plan your new lifestyle and secrets to transitioning to road life

•Storage solutions to maximize your space

•Planning a budget ...and much, much more!

Take a second to imagine how badly you want to hit the road… then think of how ready you feel!  No matter how deeply you wish to delve into the #vanlife lifestyle, author Kristine Hudson has tips that will help you become more prepared and confident about your plans.  If you’re ready to leave behind all of the noise, clutter, and frustrations of the stationary lifestyle and explore the country from a van, skoolie, or RV, click to add How to Live the Dream: Things Every Van Lifer Needs to Know to your cart now!

My Review

When I saw this book on the BookSirens website, I immediately wanted to read the book due to the
subject. However perhaps, I expected too much from "How To Live The Dream", so it hasn't brought me what I expected. 

However the book was written very clear and in short chapters, which I really like! I learned more about the nomadic lifestyle in the 21st. century. 

The author and the book inspired me because it was clearly stated that dreams should not be followed just like that. Dreams do have a cost and everything has to be planned extremely well! 

"How To Live The Dream" is special because due to the clearly defined chapters. It also has beautiful pictures and an amazing cover. I certainly would recommend "How To Live The Dream - Things Every Van Lifer Needs To know". That's why I give this book a 4 star on 5 rating. 

The author

For Kristine Hudson and her husband Brad, the adventure never ends! If you enjoyed reading Ms. Hudson’s insights on preparing for a life on the road in “How to Live the Dream: Things Every Van Lifer Needs to Know,” you’ll love catching up with her on her new Facebook page.

For ladies who are curious about the daily ins and outs of being a Boss Lady after reading “How to Choose the Ultimate Side-Hustle: Making Money and Being Your Own Boss,” Ms. Hudson shares her regular experiences with keeping herself organized while maintaining her writing and editing career.

It may seem that waking up every day in a new place and having a successful, satisfying career may be mutually exclusive. “Like” and “Follow” Kristine Hudson on Facebook to see her in action… and to catch a glimpse of her sometimes hectic, but always compelling, life on the road!

Kristine Hudson’s Van Life: https://www.facebook.com/eternalvantrip/


I received an advanced copy for free thanks to BookSirens. I'm leaving this review voluntarily. 

Source picture: Book Cover