Friday, 4 December 2020

Bookreview: The Incredible Value of Employee Power - Unleashed

The Incredible Value of Employee Power
Unleashed how to gain competitive advantage
by treating your employees well!

"Excellent management book"

Written by Robertson Hunter Stewart


This is a book about the incredible source of largely untapped power which
exists within organisations and companies today, namely your employees.
It explains why this is the case and what to do about it.
The main paradigm of the book is that employees are the most important
resource for any organisation and should be treated as such; companies
need more than ever to become employee centric.Both now and in the
future, key themes such as autonomy, empowerment and employee
engagement will become the foundations upon which companies will
build competitive advantage. Building confidence and trust will become
 more and more crucial to success. As I say in the book:“Empowerment
is also to do with confidence and trust. If you think about the concepts of
confidence and trust in your life outside of work, I am sure that most of
you would agree that, if there is no trust within, for example, a family unit,
there is a great likelihood that this will lead to a serious problem.”

My Review

In my spare time, I recently started to study Industrial and Organizational
psychology, so this book "The Incredible Value of Employee Power:
unleashed How to gain competitive advantage by treating your employees
well!", interested me immediately. However I had a slight problem with the
long title. 

The book is written very clear and it has a good division into all paragraphs
and chapters. It also has excellent diagrams for clarification. 

I hope that more and more managers will read this book because employee
power is so important for businesses and organization. It's so logical that
a happy employee will produce more things and will be better for the 

Therefore I would certainly recommend this book to all the managers or
to people who are - just as I do - interested in Industrial and Organization
psychology I would like to give this book a 5 star rating on 5.  

The Author

Robertson Hunter Stewart’s experience as an employee has now
stretched over a period of 36 years (56-years-old at the time of writing)
and he has spent the last 26 years in the service sector. Arriving in France
in 1992 (and speaking no French), Stewart worked his way up from cleaner
to General Manager of some of the biggest Luxury Hotels in Europe
(three of which with over a thousand rooms). He has led teams from a
few to several hundred during his career.

He also continues to teach in both French and English at Bachelors
and Masters Level for prestigious Management schools in Paris, France.

I really hope to read more excellent management books from Robertson Hunter
Stewart! I think people can learn a lot from him! 


I received a free copy via the author - Robertson Hunter Stewart
and BookTasters. Thank you very much for giving me the chance
to read this excellent management book! 

This book is available in 

Source picture: Book Cover 

Wednesday, 2 December 2020

Recensie: De 200 rijkste Belgen

de Belgische vermogens ontbloot

geschreven door Ludwig Verduyn


  • 'De 200 rijkste Belgen' is geen oefening in financieel voyeurisme, wel een 
  • poging om de dynamiek van het familiale kapitaal in kaart te brengen.

Het covid-19 virus slaat diepe wonden in de samenleving. Hoe sterk is de
Belgische economie gewapend tegen de mokerslagen van corona?
Wat staat op het spel inzake welvaart en tewerkstelling?
Het antwoord op die vragen wordt mee bepaald door de omvang van
de financiële reserves van de families die de economie mee aansturen.
Wie zijn die Rijkste Belgen, waar halen ze hun geld vandaan en hoe sterk
zijn ze gewapend in de financiële strijd tegen corona?

Wanneer de RTBF een foto van de man publiceert vanuit de voetbaltribune
in Anderlecht, verkoopt hij op slag zijn woning in Elsene en verhuist naar
Zwitserland. Wie is Alexandre Van Damme, decennia lang de Rijkste Belg,
een man vol enigma's?

Jarenlang ging Albert Frère door voor de Rijkste Belg. Maar wat gebeurde
er met zijn fortuin na zijn dood?

Eric Wittouck maakte fortuin met de verkoop van Tiense Suiker.
Vanuit zijn luxe loft in Monaco beheert hij zijn vermogen op Wall Street.

Decennia lang speelde hij de burgerlijke vader van Delphine van Saksen
Coburgh, een stilzwijgende gunst aan koning Albert ii. Maar wie is Jacques Boël?
En hoe rijk is hij echt?

André Vlerick gaf zijn naam aan de gerenommeerde Vlaamse Business school
in Gent. Veel minder bekend is dat hij centraal stond in het grootste
witwasschandaal van de Zuid-Afrikaanse wapenhandel.

Hij was niet enkel jarenlang de grote baas van de tapijtengroep Beaulieu,
hij lag ook aan de basis van wat één van de grootste fiscale dossiers werd
in dit land.

Roger 'Boer' De Clerck overleed in 2015 op 91-jarige leeftijd. Hoeveel betaalde
zijn familie om haar verleden te zuiveren?

Paul Gheysens heeft zijn roots in de Westhoek. Maar met Ghelamco
bouwde hij de hoogste kantoortoren van Polen en meteen van heel Oost-Europa.
Zijn geheim ligt echter in Cyprus.

Ludwig Verduyn tekent de financiële skyline van België en verheldert waar
de financieel-economische macht in dit land verankerd ligt.

Mijn review

Het is altijd leuk om een boek te lezen waarin de vermogens van anderen
vermeld staan.

De 200 rijkste Belgen is eigenlijk een 'Wie is Wie' van de rijkste Belgen en
hun families. De auteur gaat dieper op hun zakelijke activiteiten in en geeft
ook de onderlinge banden weer. Vooral dat laatste, wie met wie getrouwd is
en samen werkt vond ik ontzettend interessant. Het fascineerde me ook wat
de 200 rijkste Belgen allemaal doen en hoe ze hun fortuin vergaard hebben

Heel handig vond ik de website De Rijkste Belgen ( op deze link te raad-

Ik zou het boek aanraden voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in geld
verdienen, de economie, en de verschillende bedrijven in en buiten België.

Hoewel ik zelf een liefhebber ben van de Griekse mythologie vond ik de
vergelijking met de Griekse goden iets minder geslaagd. Daarom geef ik 
graag 4 sterren op 5. 

Ik hoop dat de auteur ooit nog dieper op enkele families ingaat. 

De auteur

Ludwig Verduyn is een Belgische journalist. Hij werkte onder meer bij
Metro en de Financieel-Economische tijd. 

In 2000 werd de eerste editie van de Rijkste Belgen gepubliceerd in 
het wekelijks magazine Humo. In 2000 en 2012 verscheen de lijst in
boekvorm. Sinds 2015 is de website actief en nu in 2020 verschijnt er
een nieuw boek. 

Te verkrijgen bij 

Ik kocht het boek 'De 200 Rijkste Belgen' in de Standaard Boekhandel. 

Foto: Titelpagina

Tuesday, 1 December 2020

Bookreview: Plant-Based Healthy Eating

Mouth-watering Vegan Meal Plans on a Budget less
than 25 Minutes per Meal. 

Written by Jasmin Walters (2020)

"Excellent guide for a vegan lifestyle"


It’s not easy, going for a meal plan that you will strictly have to follow
after all everything you do in life only truly matters when you overtake
the setbacks that come hanging to its edges, where we will help you
become more motivated, better equipped to handle every challenge
that comes your way with confidence and of course the bottom line is
that you’ll end up with mind-blowing and mouth-watering recipes to try
out thorough the course of the meals you have daily, not just that thought.
You’ll finally start to see your weight loss dreams come to life without any
harm to your body, but rattler naturally.

My Review

In Europe, Vegan or Vegan meals are less familiar than in the USA.
However a change is coming. 

People are more aware of their health. They know that food is important
for being healthy. 

Therefore it is very interesting to read books as these. Plant-Based Healthy
Eating has brought what I expected of the book and it gives me new inspiration
for healthy vegan meals. 

The book was written very good with clear chapters, paragraphs and even
the letter type was suitable. There also were lovely pictures and the dishes all
looked amazing!

I would certainly recommend this book because it's very interesting for 
food lovers and for people who wanted to know more about vegan meals. 

I give this book a 5 star rating! 

The Author

Jasmin Walters, an inspiring lady with a PhD in Medical Nutrition & Therapy,
based in the USA. Jasmin leads in her field with nutritional health, dietary advice,
natural remedies, healing techniques and alternative medicines. Jasmin's ability
to advocate in natural health, therapies, remedies, dietary balances and healing
has been producing for more than two decades. Jasmin has spent more than
twenty years researching natural approaches to health, healthy living and healing.
Jasmin shares her knowledge, experiences & research to the rest of the world by
guiding people how to live healthier lifestyles. Jasmin in her journeys has also
been an enthusiast of delicious food with homemade recipes. Some of Jasmin's
favorite styles are Plant Based Vegan, Mediterranean and many more. Jasmin's
love for cooking healthy also stemmed from her childhood, her mom whom
she is so thankful to. Jasmin's inspiration for writing came from her experiences
from childhood and developed a keen interest from her father's study of
Nutrition in Humans. 


I received an advance review copy for free, by BookSirens, 
and I'm leaving this review voluntarily. So thank you very much.

Source picture: Book cover