Sunday, 10 January 2021

Individual Advantages: Find the I in Team

 written by Dr. Bran Smith & Mary Smith


After helping over 18,000 CEO's, entrepreneurs, managers, and employees 
worldwide, Dr. Brian Smith shares his knowledge of creating great leaders
in his first book of The I in Team Series.

Dr Smith's approach to teaching is unparalleled, utilizing a combination of
personal storytelling and philosophy to present the reader with a meticulous
way of achieving prosperity.

Designed to engage and empower current and aspiring leaders with
information to find individual success, this book does not adopt a "one size
fits all" methodology. 

My Review

As I'm very interested in the psychological aspect of human beings, I really
wanted to read "Individual Advantages, Find the I in Team". 

This book didn't let me down. It fulfilled all my expectations. It is based on 
the experiences of the authors and I enjoyed the storytelling. It was clear,
structured with great messages and examples. 

Sometimes the personal stories made me laugh, others were more serious. 
Anyway, this book is a must read for people who are open for change,
interested in business or in psychology. Therefore I want to give this book
a 5 star rating. 

The Authors

Dr. Brian Smith resides in Algonquin, Illinois with his beautiful wife, René,
and their two dogs. During the work day, Brian immerses himself in finding
business solutions to help his clients succeed. 

Mary Smith, the daughter of Dr. Brian, has a bachelor's in English literature
and minored in psychology at the University of Redlands. She has been
working with IA Business Advisors since June 2014, starting as an editor. 
After graduating in 2016, she became a full-time employee; while her main
job still revolves around writing and editing. 

Before reviewing this book, I've had an e-mail from Mary Smith. It was very
correct and agreeable.

You can find both authors on Twitter @IinTeamSeries 


I've received a copy for free by Booktasters. Thank you very much for
this splendid opportunity! 

Source picture: Book Cover 

Saturday, 9 January 2021

Recensie: De gezellige dikzak op dieet

De gezellige dikzak

Waarom ik zo dik was en hoe ik dun werd

Wouter Cornet 

"Een inspirerend, eerlijk levensverhaal."


Er is een obesitas epidemie gaande. 1 op 7 Nederlanders heeft het
inmiddels te pakken. Alles groeit: onze porties, onze magen, maar ook
de economische belangen. De mensheid pompt zichzelf op. Is de uit-
dijende massa ooit nog te stoppen? Ik ben op het moment van het 
schrijven zelf onderdeel van de kolkende vetmassa. Ik lijd aan obesitas. 

Bron: Bol. com 

Mijn recensie

Mocht het boek in de winkel liggen, zou ik twijfelen om het te
kopen,omdat de cover niet zo opvallend is.  De titel: "De gezellige
dikzak op dieet" sprak me echter wel meteen aan. Het maakte me 
nieuwsgierig, al dacht ik: weer een nieuwe dieetgoeroe die het eens
allemaal gaat vertellen. 

"De gezellige dikzak" op dieet is een persoonlijk verhaal, waarin de
auteur openlijk vertelt over zijn strijd tegen de kilo's, iets wat ik heel 
bewonderenswaardig vond. 

Ik waardeerde de schrijfstijl, de humor en de eerlijkheid enorm! 
Het leest heel gemakkelijk en vlot. Ook zat er structuur in. Daarom
geef ik graag een beoordeling van 5 sterren.

Over de auteur

Wouter Cornet groeide op in een sportief gezin waar alles in het teken stond
van gezondheid en bewegen. Hij studeerde aan de ALO, academie voor
lichamelijke opvoeding, en psychologie aan de UVA. Ondanks zijn 
sportieve achtergrond en zijn kennis van gezondheid, raakte hij steeds meer
verstrikt in het leven van vreetkicks, sugar rushes en fast food. Op een dag
beseft hij dat hij aan obesitas lijdt. Dan gaat er een knopje om en zet hij
alles op alles om het tij te keren. 

Technische details

"De gezellige dikzak" werd in 2019 gepubliceerd door Uitgeverij Elmar. 
Ik las het via mijn Kobo plus abonnement. Het is steeds een 
plezier om boeken van deze uitgeverij te lezen! 

Foto: Titelpagina boek. 

Friday, 8 January 2021

Bookreview: Living the Quieter Algarve Dream

 Living the Quieter Algarve Dream

written by Alyson Sheldrake

"A sunny memoir for anyone who likes Portugal"


Have you ever longed for a quieter life? Ever wanted to escape the crowds,
walk on deserted beaches, and experience all that a different country has to

Alyson and her husband Dave Sheldrake moved to the Western Algarve far
from tourists, to live in a rural market town. 

In this part guidebook, mostly memoir, find out why the Algarve is a favourite
destination for so many, and why this couple has made it their home. 

My Review

Portugal always has fascinated me. Till now, I only visited Lisbon, Sintra and
Porto, however I really want to discover more from this lovely country. So, I
was very pleased to receive a free copy via We Love Memoirs on Facebook. 

I immediately was into the story, which is a splendid mix of a memoir and
a guidebook. I particularly liked the fact that the author wrote so much about
history. I also learned something about moving.

"Living the Quieter Algarve dream" offers a glimpse about the couple's live
in the Algarve. It was very interesting and it gave lots of information.

I also noted that "Living the Quieter Algarve dream" was written very 
fluently and that the chapters were clear and structured. I really liked
the colourful pictures in the book. 

To conclude: I would recommend this book to all people who love 
Portugal and to them who want to move to that lovely country. Therefore,
I give with lots of pleasure and without no hesitation a 5 star rating!

The Author

Alyson Sheldrake was born in Birmingham in 1968. She has always loved
art and painting, although she found little time for such pleasures, working
full time after graduation. She joined the Devon and Cornwall Police in 
1992 and served there for thirteen years, before leaving to work in the
field of education. She became the Director of Education for the Church
of England in Devon in 2008.

Once her husband Dave retired from Police, their long-held dream of 
living in the sun could become a reality. Alyson handed in her notice and
with her dusty easel and set of acrylic paints packed and ready to move,
they started their new adventure living in the beautiful Algarve in 
Portugal in 2011.

Alyson is the author of the award-winning and popular Algarve Blog and
has also been a keynote speaker for several years at the annual
'Live and Invest in Portugal' international conference. She is also a 
feature writer for the Tomorrow Algarve magazine.

She is an accomplished and sought-after artist working alongside her
husband Dave, a professional photographer.

Her first book Living the Dream - in the Algarve was full of useful
advice, enjoyable adventures and humorous accounts of their Algarve
life in the sun. 

The sequel, Living the Quieter Algarve Dream continues their story. 

She also has a website, check this link
Check also her wonderful Algarve Blog on this link.

We love Memoirs 

I've received a free copy of Living the Quieter Algarve Dream
via the We Love Memoirs group. 

We Love Memoirs is the friendliest, most caring group on Facebook.
It is the place where memoir readers and authors can chat together.
I really like that group. 

Source picture: Book Cover