Thursday, 13 October 2022

Fearghus Academy: Chrystal Shards

 A wonderful series

My review

I already read Fearghus Academy – October jewels with lots of pleasure,
so I was very keen to read the sequel.

As always, I liked the cover and the characters were amazing. They go through
a lot in this second episode. 

I also enjoyed the story, lots of drama, adventure and even some comedy.
I immediately fell this sequel became a bit darker. Nevertheless I’m looking
forward to read the next story and book!

Of course, I would recommend this book to all who want to read a different
but fantastic kind of young adult story.

Without any doubt I give a five star rating for this fabulous story! 


Thank you very much Booktasters and author I.O. Scheffer for providing
me a free copy in return for my honest review, which I did. 

Tuesday, 11 October 2022

Recensie: Waarom zouden we bang zijn?

Op dinsdag 13 september 2022 vond in de Nicolaaskerk van Baarn de
boekvoorstelling plaats van "Waarom zouden we bang zijn?"
van auteur Marianne Visser van Klaarwater. 

Eerder las ik het boek "De doorzetster" van haar (zie deze link) en
mocht ik haar vragen stellen voor de auteur in de kijker post (zie
deze link). 


Hoewel het boek "Waarom zouden we bang zijn?" wat verder van
mijn eigen leefwereld stond dan "De Doorzetster", vond ik het een
enorm spannend boek. Marianne schrijft heel verhalend en heel 

Naarmate ik meer in het verhaal kwam, voelde ik de dreiging toenemen.
Ook schetst de auteur heel goed de historische context van de tijdsgeest
en van de Bismarck Archipel  (Papoea-Nieuw-Guinea)
Bovendien heeft ze ontzettend grondig onderzoek gevoerd zowel in
persoonlijke brieven, als in historische documenten. 

Ik raad het boek dan ook zeker aan voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd
is in het leven van missionarissen. Ook was het zeer interessant om te
lezen over de Bismarck Archipel.

Daarom geef ik zonder enige twijfel 5 sterren op 5 voor dit schitterend

Ik had het voorrecht om dit boek te lezen, dankzij de auteur: Marianne
Visser van Klaarwater. Hartelijk dank!

Monday, 5 September 2022

Honor in Concord: Seeking Spirit in Literary Concord

 A special book


first year she lived in the historic town of Concord, Massachusetts
in an antique home she calls "Quiet House" on a street named for Henry
David Thoreau. One day she sets out to record the images of Concord's
past that are always on her mind and what results is a fictional story told
within the pages of memoir in which the writers of mid-19th century
Concord (i.e., Hawthorne, Emerson, Thoreau, Fuller and Alcott) are
living new lives in Concord in present day.

My Review

First of all: what a special book! I liked the different stories but it 
was from time to time a bit confusing. Nevertheless I really enjoyed
reading the book.

It is a memoir published on 17 June 2022 and it contains 270 pages. 

Without any doubt I give a 4 star rating for this special book! 

The author

Cathryn McIntyre is the author of two memoirs, Honor in Concord
and The Thoreau Whisperer, about her experience living in the historic
town of Concord, Massachusetts. She is also a natural psychic and
clairvoyant, an astrologer, a UFO experiencer, a shared death
experiencer, and an occasional ghost investigator.

McIntyre also did a candid interview with Paranormal
Underground Magazine in which she discussed a lifetime of paranormal
and supernatural experiences. It can be read on her


I really want to thank booktasters and the author as well for providing
me a free copy in return of my honest review, which I did.