Thursday, 7 January 2021

Recensie: Patronen doorbreken

 Negatieve gevoelens en gewoontes herkennen en veranderen


Hannie Van Genderen

Gitta Jacob

Laura Seebauer


Maak je steeds weer dezelfde fouten in het leven, terwijl je je hebt voorgenomen
om een volgende keer anders te reageren? Vertoont je gedrag hardnekkige 
patronen, die je zeer tegen je zin niet eenvoudig kunt doorbreken?
In dat geval helpt schematherapie je verder.

Schematherapie leert je om de oorsprong van je gedragspatronen te doorgronden,
hun invloed op je alledaagse leven te onderzoeken en jezelf zodanig te veranderen 
dat je je beter gaat voelen en beter voor jezelf kunt zorgen en opkomen.

Mijn recensie

Een duidelijk, gestructureerd en toegankelijk hulpboek! Heel interessant om 
meer te weten te komen over bepaald gedrag. "Patronen doorbreken" houdt je
soms ook wel een spiegel voor. 

Ik vond de schema's heel goed, maar misschien hadden er wel wat meer 
voorbeelden in het boek mogen staan.

"Patronen doorbreken" is een aanrader voor al wie geïnteresseerd is in
gedrag, psychologie of voor mensen die veranderingen in hun leven willen. 

Ik geef het boek "Patronen doorbreken" een 4 op 5. 

Verkrijgbaar bij

Ik kocht het boek bij
Het werd gepubliceerd via Uitgeverij Nieuwezijds. 

Foto: Titelpagina

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

Bookreview: True Crime Chronicles

True Crime Chronicles 

is written by Mike Rothmiller

The interesting other part of history: crimes!


What do Jack the Ripper, Jesse James, The Texas Servant Girl Annihilator,
Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid and Jack the Kisser have in

They were all subjects of true crime newspaper reporting in the 1800's. And
now these stories and that of many others are brought together in their original
form in a two-volume set: True Crime Chronicles. 

My Review

History, especially Royal History, always has fascinated me very much. 
But murder and crime also is a part of the society, sadly.

So, it was very interesting to read all these stories with a fresh look
from the author.

I learned many things from this book, reading it was very easy and

I would recommend True Crime Chronicles to people who are interested
in all aspects of history. I want to give a 5 star rating! 

The Author

Mike Rothmiller is a New York Times Bestselling Author, nominee for the
Pulitzer Prize, historian, former cop and Army medic. He's also served as a
TV reporter, an award winning documentary producer and television host
for ESPN, PBS and other international television markets. He's written and
produced over 25 television documentaries, numerous TV and radio ads and
has authored movie scripts. 

He's authored 23 books. Readers of his books include; the former First Lady
Laura Bush and even Queen Elizabeth II. 


I received an advance copy for free by BookSirens and I'm leaving this
review voluntarily. Thank you for giving me this excellent reading 

Saturday, 2 January 2021

Bookreview: Brandlife



written by Andrej Drapal

"Very useful information"


Do you sometimes feel like your brand runs you and not the opposite? Are you
feeling depressed for that reason? Are you stunned by brands, but then you do 
not know how to handle them? Would you like to live in a world free of any
brand? Are you sure that brands are not alive? Do  not worry! Answers to these
and many other brand and branding related questions are to be found in this 
book. Brandlife is a branding philosophy and branding manual at the same

My review

All aspects of business really are interesting just as marketing and branding. 
It's fascinating how brands are developed and what the philosophy after the
brands is. 

"Brandlife" written by Andrej Drapal really has very useful information, 
perhaps sometimes a little too much information.
However it's written clearly and very structured, which I liked.

I certainly would recommend "Brandlife" to professionals such as managers
and marketers. This work also is important for students. 

I was doubting to give a four star or a five star rating. But as it's about 
doubting, I'll give it a five star rating. 

The author

Andrej Drapal is a philosopher, a journalist, an editor, a theatre producer in the
largest cultural center in Slovenia. He also is a PR Business consultant and partner
in the largest Slovenian consultancy, founder of lobby profession in Slovenia and...
Andrej created Standard Branding Model in 2001. He is on Twitter: 


I received an advance copy for free from Booktasters and I'm leaving this review
voluntarily. Thank you for giving me this excellent reading chance! 

Source picture: Book Cover