Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Recensie: Het complot van Laken

Het complot van Laken

geschreven door Johan Op De Beeck

"Een bloedstollende, nazinderende historische thriller"


Hitler heeft België bezet. Koning Leopold III wil in het land blijven. De 
koning flirt met het nazisme. Dat zint de Belgische regering die in 
ballingschap in Londen zit niet. Zij wil de vorst naar Londen doen over-
lopen. De Belgische geheim agent Jef Van Hooff moet Leopold III in 
Laken een geheime boodschap bezorgen, hij is in het gezelschap van een
vrouwelijke spion. Tijdens zijn levensgevaarlijke missie zitten de
nazi's hem op de hielen ....

Mijn recensie

Zoals steeds met historische fictie wou ik eerst alles opzoeken nadat
ik het gelezen had. 

Toen ik dat losliet, zat ik steevast op het puntje van m'n stoel, zo spannend was het
boek. Het stond vol met onverwachte plotwendingen en ik wou absoluut het
einde weten. Dat einde was een beetje té abrupt. 

Daarom moet ik met spijt in het hart het boek een vier op 
vijf geven want het was absoluut een bloedstollende en nazinderende thriller.


Johan Op De Beeck is een bekende journalist en schrijver over geschiedenis.
Hij kende een lange loopbaan in de media, hij was onder meer journalist en
hoofdredacteur van diverse media. 

Hij schreef ook andere boeiende boeken onder andere over Napoleon, Het
Verlies van België (over het ontstaan in 1830) en  over de Zonnekoning. 

Ik hoop nog veel boeken van hem te kunnen lezen!


Het complot van Laken is verschenen op 10 september 2019 bij uitgeverij
Horizon. Het boek telt maar liefst 525 bladzijden. Ik kon het boek lezen via
mijn Kobo plus abonnement via bol.com. 

Bron foto: Titelpagina

Monday, 28 December 2020

Bookreview: Treefrogs Can't Sing

I was very honoured when Lally Brown offered me huge breaking news!

The release of the cover of her newest book "Treefrogs Can't Sing" took place
in my Author in the picture blog of Lally Brown. Check this link.

The book "Treefrogs can't sing" is available on Amazon on this link.
Don't hesitate to buy this wonderful sunny memoir. 🌞 And on Amazon
it has a number 1 rating! 

Note to hubby: I really want to go to the Caribbean again as soon as it is
possible 😜


"Treefrogs Can't Sing" is a delightful light-hearted memoir of
Lally Brown's three years life in the British Virgin Islands with
a toddler and a baby. It is an exotic adventure full of fun, with a
special mix of characters. 

My Review

This is the third book I read from Lally Brown, so I had a "small" idea
of which I could expect and the book "Treefrogs Can't Sing" fulfilled my
expectations for 100%. Sometimes it even makes me laugh. 

I really enjoyed the characters - the interaction with the kids, the cat, 
other animals and the people of the island the most. 

It is written very visually, I easily could imagine the events and the
feel of the island. "Treefrogs Can't Sing" also is written fluently
in clear chapters. 

Although this book is the sequel of "High and Dry in the BVI" it is
easy to read as a stand alone. 

So if you love memoirs, just as I do, don't hesitate to buy this book. I
would recommend "Treefrogs Can't Sing" to friends, family and colleagues
and for all who would like to have some Caribbean sunshine in December.

I give with lots of pleasure a five star rating to this wonderful and sunny 

The Author

Lally Brown is an author/photographer addicted to small islands. She lived
in Montserrat, St. Helena, BVI, TCI (Turks and Caicos Islands) and the
Isle of Wight. She likes memoirs, true stories and red squirrels. 

Please Lally, write soon some other books! 

Lally allowed me to read and review this wonderful book. Thank you very much.

Source picture: Book Cover 

Saturday, 26 December 2020

Bookreview: I work for me

7 steps to successful Entrepreneurship

written by Snehal R. Singh

"Interesting guide for becoming and being your own boss." 


Are you a budding entrepreneur?
Do you own a start-up business or are you planning one?
Do you want to make sure that you achieve all your goals and more?
Working for yourself is fun, exciting and liberating. It is also scary,
demanding and exhausting. You want to succeed so badly, that you
will put in any number of hours to make your business work, but there
are ways to exceed your expectations without killing yourself in the process.

Now you can find the answers in I Work for Me: 7 Steps to Excel on
Your Entrepreneurial Journey, a book written by an entrepreneur just
like you, that provides advice like:

 The importance of having faith
 Turning ideas into plans
 Managing your time
 Building your brand
 Being accessible and approachable
 Facing your fears
 And much more…

Being your own boss means making the decisions and standing or falling
by them. There is nobody else to take the blame when things go wrong,
and you are the one who will reap the rewards when you get it right.

I Work for Me provides the insights needed to help you make the right
choices in your entrepreneurial journey and is a ‘must read’ book that
every entrepreneur should have in their library.

My review

Being your own boss is a dream of many people, but it also gives you
a great responsibility. 

"I work for me" is clearly and personally written. It offers lots of hints
to start up your own business. 

I would like to recommend this book to every manager and entrepreneur. 
So, I like to give this fantastic book a 5 star rating! 

The author

Snehal R. Singh is a Business &Writer's Coach, Publisher , Creator of
4 Book Series,
7XBest-Selling Author, Public Speaker. Check her website on this link.


I received an advance copy for free, via Booktasters and I'm leaving this review
voluntarily. Thank you very much for giving me this fantastic opportunity! 

Source picture: Book Cover